Advancing inclusion, self-reliance, and solutions through education for refugees: A spotlight on Education at the GRF 2023

Education was a key focus area at the GRF 2023. Recognizing the pivotal role of education in empowering refugees and fostering their inclusion, the Forum saw a significant number of pledges dedicated to enhancing educational opportunities for refugees. Contributions made by states and partners in the area of education were encouraged to be done under three multi- stakeholder pledges.

In support of the pledging process in the field of education, the GRF Education  Alliance, an informal group of 160 entities (including donor and refugee-hosting states, civil society organisations, academia, and philanthropic and private sector foundations) working on refugee education, published an Education Pledging Guidance  Document. This document outlined areas for alignment with the global and national architecture, key issues for consideration, and concepts and approaches related to the pledge development process. The pledging framework encouraged stakeholders to align their commitments with host country policies, the Transforming Education Summit Calls to Action, and the Sustainable Development Goals.

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United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)


Global Agendas - SDG, Education 2030, etc.