Blog كوفيد-19: حالة من حالات الطوارئ نبحث عن مؤلفين لمشاركة مقالات قصيرة وعمليّة حول أدوات التعليم في حالات الطوارئ (EiE) والدروس المُستفاد منها والتي يمكن تطبيقها خلال حالة طوارئ كوفيد-19. نريد أن تكون المقالات عملية أكثر من كونها تعالج قضية نظرية وان تكون من المديان وموجه للعمل أكثر من كونها تهدف فقط للمناصرة.
Blog COVID-19: una emergencia entre las emergencias Estamos buscando personas que compartan artículos prácticos y concisos sobre herramientas para la respuesta educativa en emergencias (EeE) y lecciones aprendidas que se puedan aplicar en la respuesta educativa a la emergencia de la pandemia de COVID-19. Queremos artículos más prácticos que teóricos, más orientados a la acción que a la abogacía o incidencia.
Blog COVID-19 : Une urgence parmi les urgences Nous recherchons des auteurs pour publier des articles concis et pratiques sur des outils et expériences en ESU qui peuvent servir à répondre à l'urgence de la COVID-19. Nous attendons des articles plus pratiques que théoriques, tournés vers l'action plutôt que la réflexion ou le plaidoyer.
Blog COVID-19: Uma emergência entre emergências - partilhe a sua experiência Estamos à procura de autores e autoras que partilhem artigos concisos e de carácter prático sobre aprendizagens e ferramentas de Educação em Situações de Emergência (EeE) que possam ser aplicadas à situação de emergência da COVID-19. Pretendemos artigos que sejam práticos e orientados.
Resource Protecting the Future: Education Response During COVID-19 With schools around the world closed due to COVID-19, educators everywhere have been exploring ways to teach students, even at a distance. Education is a core activity of Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS), and in the midst of the current crisis, we are finding unique ways to ensure that displaced children have the opportunity to learn and thrive.
Event Arts in education during COVID-19: Illustrating the value of creativity and adaptability This webinar will highlight how EiE practitioners can harness the arts to enhance the COVID-19 response. The discussion will focus on how art can be used to foster social emotional learning (SEL), student and school community wellbeing, while linking to other life-saving humanitarian sectors.
Event Weighing the risks: School closure and reopening during COVID-19 This web event will focus on the impact of school closure and reopening on children and young people’s protection and education, as well as the impact on COVID-19 transmission. The webinar will highlight the recent policy paper by INEE and The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action. The discussion will include perspectives from education, protection, and health sectors with diverse panelists providing an overview of how to balance the wellbeing of learners with the safe reopening of schools.
Blog COVID-19, EiE, and Beyond: Reflections of a New INEE Member Education actors the world over can learn a lot from the knowledge and experience of the education in emergencies community to better prepare for the future emergencies we will all face.
Event Learning through play during COVID-19 This web event — part of our COVID-19 webinar series — will highlight how EiE practitioners can use “learning through play” approaches during COVID-19 response and recovery. The discussion will focus on how play can be used to foster social emotional learning (SEL) in addition to academics.
Event Catching Up on Lost Learning, Part 2: Condensing a Curriculum in Response to COVID-19 This web event, part of our COVID-19 webinar series and the sequel to Catching Up on Lost Learning, Part 1: Applying Accelerated Approaches in Response to COVID-19, will be held jointly by INEE and the Accelerated Education Working Group (AEWG). This “Part 2” webinar will feature new guidance from the AEWG on condensing curriculum in light of COVID-19.