Blog Résultats de l’initiative des Points Focaux Pays de l’INEE, 2021-2023 Alors que nous accueillons la nouvelle cohorte des Points focaux pays de l’INEE (CFPs), nous voulons reconnaître les précieuses contributions des CFP qui ont fait partie de l’initiative entre 2021-2023.
Blog Resultados da iniciativa de Pontos Focais Nacionais da INEE, 2021-2023 Ao darmos as boas-vindas a um novo grupo de Pontos Focais Nacionais (PFNs) da INEE, queremos reconhecer as valiosas contribuições dos PFNs que fizeram parte da iniciativa entre 2021-2023.
Resource Education – A Priority From the First Day of Every Crisis Faced with the under-prioritisation and underfunding of education in emergencies, members of the Geneva Global Hub for Education in Emergencies (EiE Hub) have come together to issue a statement which outlines why education should be a priority from the first day of a crisis.
Resource Critiquing Education in Emergencies Today we dive into the field of education in emergencies, highlighting its entanglements with colonialism, empire, and racial capitalism. My guest is Jess Oddy.
Event Profundizando en la Agenda de Aprendizaje de USAID para ALC: La educación en el contexto de migración El presente evento, organizado por la Oficina de América Latina y el Caribe (ALC) de USAID y el Hub Regional para LAC, tiene objetivo presentar datos y evidencias recientes para responder a la pregunta #2 de la Agenda de Aprendizaje: ¿Cómo influye la educación en la migración irregular, y cómo interactúa la educación con otros factores de expulsión y atracción de la migración? El equipo responsable del informe compartirá ejemplos de programas que dan cuenta de los factores multidimensionales que influyen en las decisiones que toman las familias de niñas y niños en edad escolar de permanecer en su país de origen para ir a la escuela o buscar oportunidades educativas en otros lugares. Durante las sesiones de trabajo, los participantes debatirán sobre cómo utilizar las conclusiones del informe en sus propios programas educativos, y se les invitará a identificar brechas de información en la síntesis con base en sus experiencias. El evento tendrá lugar el 4 de abril de 11:00 a 12:30 EDT. UTC
News UNRWA’s lifesaving aid may end due to funding suspension AMMAN, 27 January 2024- “Nine countries have as of today temporarily suspended their funding to UNRWA. These decisions threaten our ongoing humanitarian work across the region including and especially in the Gaza Strip.
Resource Political economy and (in)coherence of the education system in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh This paper delves into the political economy of the education system in Cox’s Bazar exploring the underlying causes of dissonance between official commitments and the day-to-day delivery of education by different actors.
Resource Gaza Education Cluster Response Plan The purpose of this response plan is to ensure that the children and youth in Gaza can resume their right to learn as soon as possible after the cessation of hostilities, that all education actors do everything possible during the current hostilities to plan for this, and then support the effective resumption of education in Gaza once hostilities stop.
Resource Journal on Education in Emergencies Volume 9, Number 1 The research articles, field notes, and book reviews featured in JEiE Volume 9, Number 1 focus on refugee education and aspirations, social and emotional learning and literacy, teachers’ agency and self-concept, peacebuilding, and education responses to COVID-19, among other important themes.
Resource Conceptual Framework for Education in Emergencies Data This conceptual framework aims to build a shared and comprehensive understanding of what constitute EiE data and of the concepts and processes that underpin and guide work on EiE data across a range of contexts, including acute emergencies, protracted crises, and displacement.