Blog Annonce du volume 5, numéro 1 de JEiE, numéro spécial sur l'éducation des réfugiés Nous sommes heureux d'annoncer la publication du Journal sur l'éducation en situations d'urgence, Volume 5, Numéro 1!
Blog Apresentação do Volume 5, Número 1 da JEiE, Edição Especial sobre Educação de Pessoas Refugiadas Temos o prazer de anunciar a publicação do Volume 5, Número 1, da Journal on Education in Emergencies!
Resource Journal on Education in Emergencies: Volume 5, Number 1 This special issue of JEiE—the first of two parts—showcases research on important developments in the field of refugee education in a variety of regions and contexts.
Resource Editorial Note: Journal on Education in Emergencies, Volume 5, Number 1 Sarah Dryden-Peterson, Jo Kelcey, and S. Garnett Russell, this issue's lead editors, provide an overview of Part I in this editorial note.
Resource “Incredibly Difficult, Tragically Needed, and Absorbingly Interesting”: Lessons from the AFSC School Program for Palestinian Refugees in Gaza, 1949 to 1950 This research article examines a school program operated by the American Friends Service Committee for Palestinian refugees in Gaza in 1949 and 1950.
Resource Asking “Why” and “How”: A Historical Turn in Refugee Education Research This research article makes the case for a turn to historical approaches in refugee education research by providing an example of how historical methods were used to reconstruct a narrative timeline of the provision of education in Kenya’s Dadaab and Kakuma refugee camps.
Resource Bureaucratic Encounters and the Quest for Educational Access among Colombian Refugees in Ecuador Drawing from semi-structured interviews conducted with civil employees, NGO staffers, and Colombian refugees in Quito, Ecuador, in 2013 and 2014, this research article analyzes how access to school for Colombian refugee youth is shaped by the official and unofficial rules that regulate the formal education system.
Resource When the Personal Becomes the Professional: Exploring the Lived Experiences of Syrian Refugee Educators This research article explores how being a teacher influences the experience of being a refugee and, conversely, how the experience of being a refugee influences the teacher’s role.
Resource Book Review: Developing Community-Referenced Curricula for Marginalized Communities by David Baine Caroline Ndirangu reviews Developing Community-Referenced Curricula for Marginalized Communities by David Baine. Ndirangu demonstrates that the book provides a needed foundation for the field of refugee education, which is grappling with how refugee youth experience education in national education systems.
Blog INEE Pledges to Strengthen Coordination for Refugee Education INEE is proud to be making a joint pledge at the upcoming Global Refugee Forum (GRF), together with the Global Education Cluster (GEC) and UNHCR!