Resource Cadre d’action de Dakar Le Forum mondial sur l’éducation (26-28 avril 2000) a adopté le Cadre d’action de Dakar, L’Education pour tous: tenir nos engagements collectifs. Ce faisant, les participants au Forum ont réaffirmé la vision de la Déclaration mondiale sur l’éducation pour tous adoptée dix ans plus tôt à Jomtien en Thaïlande.
Resource إطار عمل داكار The Dakar Framework is a collective commitment to action. National governments have an obligation for ensuring to ensure that Education for All goals and targets are reached and sustained, a responsibility that can be met most effectively through broad-based partnerships within countries, supported by co-operation with regional and international agencies and institutions.
Resource The Dakar Framework for Action The Dakar Framework is a collective commitment to action. National governments have an obligation for ensuring to ensure that Education for All goals and targets are reached and sustained, a responsibility that can be met most effectively through broad-based partnerships within countries, supported by co-operation with regional and international agencies and institutions.
Resource Marco de Acción de Dakar El Marco de Dakar es un compromiso colectivo para la acción. Los gobiernos nacionales tienen la obligación de velar por que se alcancen y se mantengan los objetivos y las metas de la EPT, una responsabilidad que se puede cumplir de la manera más eficaz mediante asociaciones de amplia base dentro de los países, apoyadas por la cooperación con organismos e instituciones regionales e internacionales.