Resource Lessons and Impacts of Ahlan Simsim TV Program in Pre-Primary Classrooms in Jordan on Children’s Emotional Development: A Randomized Controlled Trial This study evaluates the effects of Ahlan Simsim, a television show co-produced by Sesame Workshop and Jordan Pioneers that has been viewed by more than 23 million children across the MENA region, including 57% of displaced Syrians across Jordan, Lebanon, and Iraq.
Resource Qualitative Assessment Approaches for the Protection of Children with Disabilities Within Humanitarian Contexts This guidance note explores how to use qualitative methods to create more robust assessment processes to ensure more effective programming and services for children with disabilities. This note provides promising practices for engaging with children with disabilities and includes sample tools that can be tailored to fit the needs of a particular assessment process.
Resource Construção de um sistema educativo resiliente e responsivo na Jordânia: reforçar o planeamento e a administração orientados para as crises e baseados em evidências Evidências e aprendizagens da Jordânia sobre a construção de sistemas de administração e monitorização resilientes para uma resposta eficaz às crises e um planeamento baseado em evidências no setor da educação.
Resource بناء نظام تعليميّ مرن ومتجاوب في الأردنّ: تعزيز الحوكمة و التخطيط المستندين على الأدلة و المراعيين للأزمات تقدّم دراسة الحالة هذه أدلة قيمة وأشكال من التعلّم مستخلصة من عمليّة بناء بيئة تمكينيّة قويّة وضرورية لتعزيز التخطيط والرقابة المستندة إلى الأدلة المراعيين للـ المخاطر و الأزمات.
Resource Building a Resilient and Responsive Education System in Jordan: Strengthening Evidence-Based Crisis-Sensitive Planning and Governance Since 2019, UNESCO is supporting the efforts of the Ministry of Education (MoE) and national institutions to improve the responsiveness and resilience of the education system to crises through strong governance and information management systems, by strengthening evidence-based planning, monitoring, and decision-making. This case study provides valuable evidence and learnings from the process of building a strong enabling institutional environment necessary to strengthen evidence-based crisis and risk-sensitive planning and monitoring.
Resource Construir un sistema educativo resiliente y receptivo en Jordania: Fortalecimiento de una planificación y una gobernanza sensibles a las crisis y basadas en la evidencia Evidencias y aprendizajes de Jordania sobre la creación de sistemas de gobernanza y monitoreo resilientes para una respuesta efectiva a la crisis y la planificación basada en evidencias en el sector educativo.
Resource Instaurer un système éducatif résilient et réactif en Jordanie : Renforcer la planification et la gouvernance adaptées aux situations de crise et basées sur des données probantes Preuves et apprentissages de la Jordanie sur l’instauration de systèmes de gouvernance et de suivi résilients pour une réponse efficace aux crises et une planification basées sur des données probantes dans le secteur de l'éducation.
Resource ERICC Inception Report The Education Research in Conflict and Protracted Crisis (ERICC) Research Programme Consortium is a global research and learning partnership that strives to transform education policy and practice in conflict and protracted crisis around the world, through building a global hub for rigorous, context-relevant and actionable evidence base.
Resource Guidance Note on Using Implementation Research in Education The purpose of this document is to provide guidance and support to the implementers of education interventions, partner governments, and funders of education reform as they consider research priorities and learning agendas to achieve SDG 4.
Resource Challenging the False Dichotomy: An Evidence Synthesis This report synthesizes existing literature on the impact, value and critical need for holistic approaches within education systems. It highlights the connectivity between holistic skills and academic achievement, overcoming adversity, and in improving societal and economic outcomes.