Resource Recursos de AP e ASE para professoras/es para a educação a distância O conjunto de ferramentas foi concebido para ser utilizado por professoras/es e/ou formadoras/es de professoras/es em diferentes níveis de educação em contextos humanitários, no sentido de promover o bem-estar, o ensino e a aprendizagem. Este conjunto de ferramentas contém uma série de recursos para apoiar a entrega de AP-ASE por meio de modalidades de educação a distância.
Resource دمج التّعلّم العاطفيّ الاجتماعيّ SEL والدّعم النّفسيّ الاجتماعيّ PSS في دروس التّعلّم الشّامل عالي الجودة وتهدف إلى البناء على ما تمّ تعلّمه مسّبقًا فيما يتعلّق بالتّعلّم الاجتماعيّ والعاطفيّ (SEL)، والدّعم النّفسيّ الاجتماعيّ (PSS)، وذلك لتزويد المعلّمين بالثّقة؛ لتقييم الأنشطة بشكلٍ نقديّ، وتكييّفها مع سياقهم المحليّ، وتقييم مدى تأثيرها على تعلّم الطّلاب ورفاههم
Resource Integrating SEL and PSS into Lessons for Quality Holistic Learning This open, self-paced course is intended to build upon previous learning related to social and emotional learning (SEL) and psychosocial support (PSS) to provide teachers with the confidence to critically evaluate activities, adapt them to their local context, and assess impact on student learning and well-being.
Resource حزمة ورشة عمل التعلم العاطفي الاجتماعي: مقدمة تدعم هذه المادة القسم الأول من المقدمة إلى ورشة عمل التعلم الاجتماعي والعاطفي، التي يقدمها مشروع التعلم الشامل الجيد.
Resource SEL Workshop Packet, Module 1: Introduction This material supports the first section of the Introduction to Social and Emotional Learning Workshop, delivered by the Quality Holistic Learning Project.
Resource L’apprentissage socio-émotionnel à l’école: Introduction Ce matériel soutient la première section de l’atelier d’introduction à l’apprentissage social et émotionnel, dispensé par le projet d’apprentissage holistique de qualité
Resource PSS-SEL Toolbox Launch We are pleased to share the recording of the Launch Webinar of the PSS-SEL Toolbox. The Psychosocial Support (PSS) and Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Toolbox has a variety of tools to meet the interests and needs of many different stakeholders working on PSS and SEL in Education in Emergencies (EiE).
Resource Fun activities to overcome stress in children during pandemic A video resource demonstrating activities for children for overcoming stress during the pandemic. These activities come from Save the Children's Healing and Education Through the Arts (HEART) Program.
Resource School-based mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) The MHPSS Collaborative and INEE are pleased to shared the recording of a webinar on a recently published realist review on school-based mental health and psychosocial support in humanitarian contexts.
Resource Response to Stress Questionnaire (RSQ) - Niger The Response to Stress Questionnaire was developed in an attempt to capture the ways that local refugee students in Niger react to and cope with specific sources of stress, including parental depression, family conflict, and academic stressors.