School-based mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS)

The MHPSS Collaborative and INEE are pleased to share the recording of a webinar on a recently published realist review on school-based mental health and psychosocial support in humanitarian contexts.

During the webinar we presented the results of the recently released realist review on school-based MHPSS that aimed  to elucidate the characteristics of school-based MHPSS interventions in humanitarian contexts and the hypothesised mechanisms by which they influence well-being or learning outcomes. Key theories of change will be presented, along with a brief overview on how they were developed. We will discuss the delivery of a school-based MHPSS intervention in Kenya with NRC’s Better Learning Program lead and provide an exciting overview of the next phase of the research project. There will be a segment where participants can ask the authors questions, followed by closing remarks from INEE.

Webinar Recording

Click below to begin watching, or watch on Youtube:


  • Jennifer Flemming, Lead Research, The MHPSS Collaborative
  • Ashley Nemiro, Senior MHPSS Advisor, The MHPSS Collaborative
  • Jackline Oduor, Education Officer, NRC
  • Molly Lasater, Associate, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

If you have any questions about the web event, contact

Resource Info

Resource Type

INEE Webinar


Published by

Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE), MHPSS Collaborative


Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS)