Keeping Children Safe: A Toolkit for Child Protection
Tool 1 of the KCS explains what the basic standards should be for all organisations working in child protection across the world and aims to support agencies at international, national and local levels to put child protection into practice.
Tool 2 is a resource pack that provides detailed facilitation guidance and a sequence of activities to help organisations and agencies meet those standards. If put in place the toolkit’s simple policies and procedures will significantly strengthen child protection in an organisation.
Tool 3 - Keeping Children Safe: Training for Child Protection - is a pack of flexible training exercises and materials for staff, which includes activities on childhood, understanding child abuse, recognizing and responding to child abuse concerns, and making agencies and organisation safe for children.
Tool 4 is intended for adults who work with children on child protection issues. It is comprised of four modules, each with a set of three exercises. The aim is to allow children to play a role in their own protection by promoting participation.