Recurso The Sandbox Model: A Novel Approach to Iterating while Implementing an Emergency Education Program in Lebanon during the COVID-19 Pandemic In this field note, Michèle Boujikian, Alice Carter, and Katy Jordan discuss how the NGO Jusoor borrowed from a software engineering methodology to rapidly test assumptions and refine programming to develop Azima, a WhatsApp-based education program for Syrian refugees living in Lebanon during COVID-19.
Recurso Le Modèle Sandbox : Une Nouvelle Approche de l’Itération Adoptée lors de la Mise en Œuvre d’un Programme d’Éducation d’Urgence au Liban pendant la Pandémie de COVID-19 Dans cette note de terrain, Michèle Boujikian, Alice Carter et Katy Jordan expliquent comment l'ONG Jusoor s'est inspirée d'une méthodologie de conception de logiciels pour tester rapidement les hypothèses et affiner la programmation afin de développer Azima, un programme éducatif basé sur WhatsApp pour les personnes réfugiées de Syrie vivant au Liban pendant la COVID-19.
Recurso Digital Teacher Professional Development in Education in Displacement (EiD) Settings: Access, equity, and quality By reflecting on our experiences working with a group of educators serving displaced and refugee learners and by reviewing the open access offers provided by large, international organisations, we identify limitations among existing solutions, many of which are not fully responsive to the needs of teachers in low-resource contexts who might be looking for professional development opportunities.
Recurso On Call: Using Mobile Technologies to Measure Learning in Emergenceis How can we harness the power of mobile technologies to track learning in emergencies? Identifying ways to improve assessments in emergencies is incredibly important as there remains large gaps in understanding how children are learning in crisis settings. This report aims to provide practitioners with practical guidance and resources on using mobile technology to conduct learning assessments in emergency settings.
Recurso On Call: Using Mobile Phones to Provide Learning in Emergencies This report outlines, in detail, how mobile phones can be applied as a learning tool in emergency settings. It also provides practical case studies and references for how mobile phones have been used to teach students, support parents and train teachers.
Recurso Teaching in a Digital Age: Guidelines for designing teaching and learning The book examines the underlying principles that guide effective teaching in an age when all of us, and in particular the students we are teaching, are using technology. A framework for making decisions about your teaching is provided, while understanding that every subject is different, and every instructor has something unique and special to bring to their teaching.
Recurso إعادة التجهيز والتكيّف السريع لعمليات وبرامج بيانات التعليم في حالات الطوارئ: نموذج ” أنا إلى جانبك“ (Pashe Achhi) لتعليم الطفولة المبكرة في حالات الطوارئ في مخيمات الروهينغيا في بنغلاديش في آذار/مارس 2020، وبعد تأكيد حالات الإصابة بالفيروس كورونا في بنغلاديش، أوقفت كل من مراكز اللعب المصممة لتقديم الاستجابة الإنسانية (HPL) ومراكز اللعب الرئيسية مؤقتًا عملياتها الوجاهية وفقًا لتفويض الحكومة. وكانت الهدف من التدّخل التواصل مع المستفيدين وتعزيز رفاه الأطفال ونموهم عن طريق التعلّم القائم على اللعب، التربية الإيجابية، وممارسات الرعاية الذاتية لمقدمي الرعاية.
Recurso Rapid retooling and adaptation of EIE data processes and programming: Pashe Ach In March 2020 BRAC explored alternative approaches and designed a telecommunication model, Pashe Achhi, to support all the direct beneficiaries during the pandemic. The objective of the intervention was to be connected with the beneficiaries and promote children’s wellbeing and development through play-based learning, positive parenting, and self-care practices of caregivers.
Recurso Rápida reorganización y adaptación de los procesos y la programación de datos de EeE: Modelo Pashe Achhi de Educación de la primera infancia en situaciones de emergencia en los campamentos rohingya de Bangladesh En marzo de 2020, después de que se confirmaran los casos de coronavirus en Bangladesh, tanto Humanitarian Play Labs como los principales Play Labs detuvieron temporalmente sus operaciones presenciales de acuerdo con el mandato del gobierno. La pandemia puso en peligro la salud física de las personas y afectó fuertemente sus condiciones socioeconómicas y de salud mental.
Recurso Ré-outillage rapide et adaptation des processus de données ESU et de la programmation : Modèle Pashe Achhi dans l’éducation en situations d'urgence de la petite enfance dans le camps de personnes Rohingya au Bangladesh L’objectif de l’intervention était d’être en contact avec les bénéficiaires et de promouvoir le bien-être et le développement des enfants par un apprentissage basé sur le jeu, par une parentalité positive et par des pratiques de soins personnels des personnes encadrantes.