Proteger a educação contra ataques

Um Ataque à Educação corresponde a qualquer ameaça intencional ou uso de força por parte de grupos armados governamentais ou não-governamentais por razões políticas, militares, ideológicas, sectárias, étnicas, religiosas ou criminais contra estudantes, educadores, educadoras ou pessoal e/ou técnicos e técnicas de educação ao ir ou vir de uma determinada instituição de ensino, ou educativa, ou em qualquer outro lugar devido à sua condição de estudantes ou educadores e educadoras. Os Ataques à Educação podem incluir: rapto, recrutamento de crianças-soldados, trabalhos forçados, violência sexual, execuções, ameaças e assédio e outras violações. A pilhagem efetiva ou sob a forma de ameaça, apreensão, ocupação, encerramento e a destruição de infraestruturas educativas por grupos armados podem desalojar educadoras, educadores e estudantes, negando aos e às mesmas o acesso à educação.

A segurança de todas as escolas deve ser uma prioridade no sentido de assegurar a continuidade da educação em situações de emergência.

20 Junho 2024 Report Global Coalition to Protection Education from Attack (GCPEA)

Education Under Attack 2024

A global study of attacks on schools, universities, their students and staff, in 2022 and 2023. Attacks on education are frequent and widespread. From Palestine to Colombia, Democratic Republic of the Congo to Ukraine, students and teachers are killed, raped, and abducted, while schools and universities are bombed, burned down, and used for military purposes. In the 28 countries profiled in this report, at least ten attacks on education occurred over the past two years.

1 Maio 2015 Declaração/Convenção Coligação Global para Proteger a Educação de Ataques

Declaração de Escolas Seguras

Acolhemos com satisfação iniciativas de Estados individuais para a promoção e proteção ao direito à educação e para a facilitação da continuidade da educação em situações de conflito armado. A continuidade da educação pode fornecer informações capazes de salvar vidas e oferecer conselhos sobre riscos específicos pelos quais passam sociedades em cenário de conflitos armados.

1 Janeiro 2017 Report Global Coalition to Protection Education from Attack (GCPEA)

​The Safe Schools Declaration: a Framework for Action

This Framework for Action seeks to provide governments with a non-exhaustive list of suggestions, recommendations, and examples that can assist them as they determine the appropriate way to implement the commitments made through endorsement of the Safe Schools Declaration.

14 Novembro 2024 Brief Global Coalition to Protection Education from Attack (GCPEA)

Protecting Education from Attack in the Context of Climate Change

This briefing paper argues that the risks and impacts of climate change are critical to consider within any effort to prevent, mitigate, or respond to attacks on education. In the face of these converging crises, states should act urgently to protect education in the context of climate change.

1 Janeiro 2014 Manual/Handbook/Guide Global Coalition to Protection Education from Attack (GCPEA)

Guidelines for protecting schools and universities from military use during armed conflict

The Guidelines were drawn up with the aim of better protecting schools and universities from use by armed groups for military purposes, and to minimise the negative impact that armed conflict has on students’ safety and education. They provide concrete guidance to states and non-state armed groups for the planning and execution of military operations.

1 Janeiro 2023 Toolkit Global Coalition to Protection Education from Attack (GCPEA)

Toolkit for Collecting and Analyzing Data on Attacks on Education

This toolkit enables partners to build or strengthen monitoring systems; collect robust data and analyze and report on the impacts of attacks; harmonize definitions; and develop more effective attack prevention and mitigation plans.

1 Setembro 2023 Background Paper Global Coalition to Protection Education from Attack (GCPEA)

Non-State Armed Groups and Attacks on Education: Exploring Trends and Practices to Curb Violations

This scoping paper provides background on the topic and explores global trends in non-state armed group attacks on education. This paper also highlights various practices and policies, from the community to international levels, to curb non-state armed group attacks on education and use of schools and universities for non-educational purposes.

1 Janeiro 2016 Manual/Handbook/Guide Global Coalition to Protection Education from Attack (GCPEA)

Guide to Implementing the Principles of State Responsibility to Protect Higher Education from Attack

In response to a growing crisis of attacks on higher education communities worldwide, GCPEA conducted a wide-ranging consultation with representatives of higher education networks and associations from Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia and the Americas to understand the causes and consequences of such attacks and to identify measures to increase protection.

15 Julho 2014 Manual/Handbook/Guide Global Coalition to Protection Education from Attack (GCPEA)

Protecting Education Personnel from Targeted Attack in Conflict-Affected Countries

The paper addresses the scope and nature of attacks on education personnel and the range of measures put in place to protect them. Many of the measures have not been formally evaluated. Additional research is needed to understand the dynamics of attacks on teachers and how to most effectively protect teachers.

1 Janeiro 2017 Manual/Handbook/Guide Global Coalition to Protection Education from Attack (GCPEA)

Technical Guide: What Teachers and School Administrators Can Do to Protect Education from Attack

This document extracts from the “What Schools Can Do to Protect Education from Attack” report in order to serve as a technical guide for ministries of education, local education officials, communities, NGOs, and international agencies seeking to develop localized templates on actions that school-based actors can take to protect schools, students, and teachers from attack.

15 Dezembro 2015 Manual/Handbook/Guide Global Coalition to Protection Education from Attack (GCPEA)

What Ministries Can Do to Protect Education from Attack and Schools from Military Use: A Menu of Actions

This Menu of Actions is intended as a resource to empower personnel of ministries responsible for education to better prevent attacks on education or protect schools from military use, mitigate the impact of attacks when they do occur, and respond to attacks.

1 Janeiro 2014 Manual/Handbook/Guide Global Coalition to Protection Education from Attack (GCPEA)

Guidelines for protecting schools and universities from military use during armed conflict

The Guidelines were drawn up with the aim of better protecting schools and universities from use by armed groups for military purposes, and to minimise the negative impact that armed conflict has on students’ safety and education. They provide concrete guidance to states and non-state armed groups for the planning and execution of military operations.