
Launch Event: Charlevoix Funding Dashboard

Organized by
Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)
18 September 2024 ()
Education Financing
Research and Evidence

The Reference Group on Girls’ Education in Emergencies is pleased to invite you to join us for a webinar launching the new Charlevoix Funding Dashboard! The Charlevoix Funding Dashboard aims to promote transparency and accountability towards the commitments made by G7 countries and funding partners towards the Charlevoix Declaration on Quality Education. The dashboard visualizes funding pledged and disbursed by donors and funding partners in support of the declaration. 

The launch event will provide an overview of the context, purpose, development, and use of the Charlevoix Funding Dashboard. It will also feature a high-level panel discussion on trends in funding for girls’ education in emergencies and on maintaining momentum and engagement on girls’ education. 

Webinar Recording and Presentation