Recurso Inclusive approaches to drop out and retention in low-resource settings This guidance note shares lessons learned from DFID’s Girls’ Education Challenge (GEC)3 programme on retention systems that work to provide visibility and support to marginalised girls in challenging contexts who are at risk of drop out from education.
Recurso Education Needs Assessment Report: Adolescent and Youth Women and Girls in the Rohingya Refugee Camps Dan Church Aid (DCA) and UN Women (UNW) carried out an education needs assessment between February 26 and March 19, 2020 with the aim of understanding the priority needs for Rohingya adolescent and youth girls and women living in the refugee camps and makeshift settlements in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh.
Recurso بناء الجسور لتحقيقالمساواة بين الجنسين 2016 لعام التقرير العالمي لرصد التعليم أول مرة في إلى إطار رصد اعت 2019 لعام التقرير عن المسائل الجنسانية ويستند عن تركيزه على التكافؤ بين الجنسين في المشاركة في التعليم والتحصيل الدراسي والنتائج الدراسية، يدرس ًوهذا الإطار، افضل الظروف الاقتصادية والاجتماعية العامة (المعايير الجنسانية والمؤسسات) وسمات نظام التعليم الرئيسية (القوانين والسياسات العلاقة القائمة بين التعليم ومجموعة مختارة من النتائج ًوممارسات التعليم والتعلم وبيئات التعلم والموارد).
Recurso 2019 GEM Gender Report: Building bridges for gender equality The 2019 Gender Report is based on a monitoring framework first introduced in the 2016 Global Education Monitoring Report. In addition to focusing on gender parity in education participation, attainment and learning achievement, the framework examines broad social and economic contexts and key education system characteristics.
Recurso 2019 Informe sobre género: Construyendo puentes para la igualdad de género El Informe sobre Género de 2019 se basa en un marco de seguimiento que se introdujo por primera vez en el Informe de Seguimiento de la Educación en el Mundo de 2016.
Recurso 2019 Rapport sur l'égalité des genres : Bâtir des ponts pour promouvoir l’égalité des genres L’accès à une éducation durable et de qualité constitue l’un des plus grands défis du monde de demain. Enœuvrant non seulement à ce que chaque enfant puisse aller à l’école, mais aussi à ce que nous puissions continuer à apprendre tout au long de notre vie, nous entendons donner à toutes et tous les compétences nécessaires pour contribuer au développement de leurs sociétés.
Blog COVID-19: Gender and EiE - Key Points to Consider School closures could disproportionately affect girls in conflict-affected settings, where the COVID-19 pandemic represents a ‘crisis within a crisis’.
Recurso Putting Gender at the Forefront of the COVID-19 Education Response: Common Messaging Framework This common messaging initiative represents a strategic opportunity to foster dialogue and raise attention to the gendered impacts of COVID-19, advocate for strategies to respond to the gendered dimensions of this crisis, and look ahead to the safe reopening of schools through a gendered lens.
Recurso COVID-19: Gender and EiE Infographic This INEE infographic highlights key challenges faced by women and girls during the COVID-19 pandemic and provides guidance on how to address these challenges in a gender-sensitive manner, by applying a gender lens to COVID-19 preparedness, response, and recovery.