Recurso Disaggregating Education Data by Protection Status in National Education Data Systems: UNHCR in Jordan The brief below lays out the rationale for the disaggregation of data by protection status and the need for higher education data on refugees. It then provides a brief overview of the EMIS in Jordan and HIECON, and details the specific steps that were taken in Jordan to ensure that refugees were visible in both systems. The document concludes with a series of lessons learned in both of these processes.
Recurso Indicators to Measure Cross-sectoral Contributions to Children’s Protection and Well-being The primary purpose of this package is to outline a set of indicators that measure sectoral contributions towards children’s protection and well-being. The package does this by providing technical guidance for collecting and analysing data on key indicators in humanitarian action.
Recurso Indicadores para medir las aportaciones intersectoriales a la protección y el bienestar de la niñez y la adolescencia El objetivo principal de este paquete es delinear un conjunto de indicadores que midan las contribuciones sectoriales hacia la protección y el bienestar de los niños. El paquete logra esto proporcionando orientación técnica para recopilar y analizar datos sobre indicadores clave en la acción humanitaria.
Recurso Indicateurs permettant de mesurer les contributions intersectorielles à la protection et au bien-être des enfants L'objectif principal de ce paquet est de présenter un ensemble d'indicateurs qui mesurent les contributions sectorielles à la protection et au bien-être des enfants. Pour ce faire, le package fournit des conseils techniques pour la collecte et l’analyse de données sur les indicateurs clés de l’action humanitaire.
Recurso Strengthening holistic learning outcome measurement systems in emergencies and protracted crises: Colombia and Peru - Diagnostic Report for Colombia This diagnostic report summarizes the methodology and results of the systems analysis in Colombia, and provides a series of recommendations to strengthen the coherence of the Peruvian educational monitoring and evaluation systems for holistic learning outcomes.
Recurso Towards education for all: Strengthening data systems in conflict and crisis settings This event brought together experts to engage in dialogue on data needs in education in conflict and crisis education, as data issues play a crucial role in driving evidence-based educational decision-making and the design of policies and programs in response to the needs of children in these settings.
Evento Profundizando en la Agenda de Aprendizaje de USAID para ALC: La educación en el contexto de migración El presente evento, organizado por la Oficina de América Latina y el Caribe (ALC) de USAID y el Hub Regional para LAC, tiene objetivo presentar datos y evidencias recientes para responder a la pregunta #2 de la Agenda de Aprendizaje: ¿Cómo influye la educación en la migración irregular, y cómo interactúa la educación con otros factores de expulsión y atracción de la migración? El equipo responsable del informe compartirá ejemplos de programas que dan cuenta de los factores multidimensionales que influyen en las decisiones que toman las familias de niñas y niños en edad escolar de permanecer en su país de origen para ir a la escuela o buscar oportunidades educativas en otros lugares. Durante las sesiones de trabajo, los participantes debatirán sobre cómo utilizar las conclusiones del informe en sus propios programas educativos, y se les invitará a identificar brechas de información en la síntesis con base en sus experiencias. El evento tendrá lugar el 4 de abril de 11:00 a 12:30 EDT. UTC
Recurso SDG 4 Scorecard Progress Report on National Benchmarks: Focus on Teachers Setting SDG 4 benchmarks is a novel process. It has involved countries specifying their contribution to the achievement of the global targets based on their national plans and policies. This report focuses on the benchmark indicator on qualified and trained teachers. Globally
Recurso The State of Open Humanitarian Data 2024 Our insights into data availability and use come from managing the Humanitarian Data Exchange, an open platform for finding and sharing data across crises and organizations. This report contains details on the data available for each location, category and sub-category covered in the Data Grids as of 31 December 2023
Recurso Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) data The UNESCO Institute for Statistics has released a new data browser for Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) data. The browser allows users to view data and metadata from 2000 to 2023 in easy-to-navigate dashboards.