Recurso 2020 GEM Gender Report: A new generation: 25 years of efforts for gender equality in education Building on the 2020 Global Education Monitoring Report, this report investigates how inclusion in education can advance gender equality in and through education, which is critical to make progress towards gender equality in society.
Recurso 2020 Informe sobre género: Una nueva generación: 25 años de esfuerzos en favor de la igualdad de género en la educación Basado en el Informe de Seguimiento de la Educación en el Mundo 2020, el presente informe investiga la forma en que la inclusión en la educación puede impulsar la igualdad de género tanto en la educación como a través de ella, lo cual es decisivo para avanzar hacia la igualdad de género en la sociedad.
Recurso 2020 Rapport sur l'égalite des genres : une nouvelle génération : 25 ans d'efforts pour atteindre l'égalité des genres dans l'éducation Dans le prolongement du Rapport mondial de suivi sur l’éducation 2020, ce Rapport traite de la façon dont l’inclusion dans l’éducation peut faire progresser l’égalité des genres dans et par l’éducation, clé essentielle de l’égalité des genres dans la société.
Evento Supporting Girls’ Agency in the Covid-19 response for education across fragile contexts The webinar will provide attendees with a platform to exchange experiences and lessons on various themes related to the impact of the Covid-19 interventions in fragile contexts.
Recurso In Solidarity with Girls: Gender and Education in Crisis Policy Brief Series Drawing on the ‘build back equal’ principle, this brief contributes to policy dialogues and discussions on (1) how we can plan for and work towards more equal, gender-responsive school systems once restrictions are lifted, and (2) achieve this through meaningful partnership with youth and youth-led networks.
Blog [Series Launch] Committing to Change: Girls’ EiE from Charlevoix to COVID-19 This post introduces a new blog series by INEE to promote accountability and transparency in commitments to the 2018 Charlevoix Declaration and progress in women’s and girls’ EiE.
Blog [Blog Series] Committing to Change: Girls’ EiE from Charlevoix to COVID-19 This blog series is an effort by INEE to promote accountability and transparency in commitments to the 2018 Charlevoix Declaration and progress in women’s and girls’ EiE.
Evento Policies and Strategies Guiding the Implementation of Gender Transformative Covid‐19 Recovery Plans for the Education Sector in Sub‐Saharan Africa Please join us for this policy dialogue, which will bring together representatives from global and pan‐African institutions as well as government bodies in order to share perspectives on what it takes to create a conducive environment for gender transformative approaches to help the education sector recover and become more resilient.
Evento UNGA High-level Meeting to Celebrate 25th Anniversary of Beijing Women’s Conference This high-level meeting of the General Assembly will focus on the overall theme, ‘Accelerating the realization of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls’
Recurso COVID-19 Aftershocks: Access Denied This report spotlights one particular vulnerability that is known to be exacerbated by school closures in times of crisis and risks the continued education of vulnerable children: teenage pregnancy, which threatens to block a million girls across Sub-Saharan Africa from returning to school.