Evento Social-Emotional Learning in 2020 Join social-emotional learning educators and champions from around the world for this Global Karanga in support of SEL on 30 June 2020. Learn from policy makers, practitioners and researchers and connect with an international community committed to SEL as a driver for education and societal change.
Recurso Self-Care Strategies for Educators During the Coronavirus Crisis: Supporting Personal Social and Emotional Well-Being This brief is addressed to educators who face the stresses of the coronavirus pandemic and the resulting school closures, online service provision, and quarantine conditions. The brief offers practical information and guidance on self-care in these challenging times.
Recurso NISSEM Global Briefs Volume 2: Educating for the social, the emotional and the sustainable - Pedagogy, practice and materials This second volume of the NISSEM Global Briefs addresses the theme of pedagogy, practice and materials. At the junction of SDG Target 4.7, SEL, and education in post conflict and low-resource settings, the NISSEM Global Briefs are a key resource for current research and practice.
Recurso Aprender Jugando El siguiente paquete es una colección de juegos que responden a la situación actual de crisis por COVID-19, el cual será compartido con los y las docentes y padres de familia de las comunidades de los centros educativos en los que trabaja el proyecto de USAID Asegurando la Educación.
Recurso نمرّ بهذا سويًا هذه السلسلة مخصصة للمجتمعات غير المحصّنة، بما في ذلك مجتمعات اللاجئين والمهاجرين. تعالج هذه السلسلة احتياجات الأطفال خلال جائحة كوفيد-19 من خلال توفير أنشطة بسيطة ولكنها ذات مغزى تعزز الرفاهية العاطفية.
Recurso We Are In This Together Podcast This series addresses the needs of children during the COVID-19 pandemic by providing simple, but meaningful activities that reinforce emotional wellbeing. The podcasts give caregivers daily structure to enhance self-resilience and explore possibilities to support themselves and children of all age groups and learning stages.
Recurso Estamos Juntos en Esto Esta serie está diseñada para comunidades vulnerables, incluidos refugiados y migrantes. Aborda las necesidades de los niños durante la pandemia de COVID-19, proporcionando actividades simples pero significativas para reforzar el bienestar emocional.
Recurso Tous Dans le Même Bateau Cette série s’adresse aux communautés vulnérables, notamment aux réfugiés et aux migrants. Elle se concentre sur les besoins des enfants pendant la pandémie du COVID-19, en offrant des activités simples mais essentielles à leur bien-être émotionnel.
Recurso Providing PSS-SEL support for learners during COVID-19 The fourth webinar of the INEE COVID-19 webinar series focused on providing Psychosocial Support and Socio-Emotional Learning support for learners during COVID-19.
Blog Providing PSS-SEL Support for Learners During COVID-19 PSS and SEL can facilitate and foster resilience, so they are vital services at this time, despite the increased challenges in delivery.