Recurso The role of INGOs in meeting educational rights in conflict-affected fragile states: the case of ActionAid International Sierra Leone This qualitative case study examines how ActionAid International Sierra Leone (AAISL) engage in post-conflict settings to ensure children's rights to education are met.
Recurso Teacher and Youth Training in Southern Lebanon Although in Lebanon the government and its Ministry of Education ensure that the obligation to attend the schools is met by all children, the needs of children are mostly neglected in schools and the curricula.
Recurso Education and the Law of Reparations in Insecurity and Armed Conflict This publication considers how attacks on education during insecurity and armed conflict have been redressed in the past and may be redressed in the future.
Recurso Case Studies on Education in Conflict and Transition Contexts This Field Note outlines UNICEF’s role in providing education in conflict-affected contexts. It presents recent developments in this field and discusses lessons learned and good practice based on our experience through country case studies.
Recurso INEE Thematic Issue Brief: Conflict Mitigation It is critical that humanitarian responses for education are approached from a conflict sensitive framework that understands education’s potential for impacting conflict and fragility, while simultaneously reducing the negative and increasing the positive impacts of education.
Recurso INEE Minimum Standards Case Study: School Rehabilitation in Mogadishu, Somalia This case study presents the implementation of the INEE Minimum Standards by the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) in Mogadishu, Somalia. It also identifies challenges and lessons learned, for consideration and application by other agencies.
Recurso Past horrors, present struggles: The role of stigma in the association between war experiences and psychosocial adjustment among former child soldiers in Sierra Leone Upon returning to their communities, children formerly associated with armed forces and armed groups–commonly referred to as child soldiers–often confront significant community stigma.
Recurso The Six Grave Violations against Children during Armed Conflict: The Legal Foundation The six grave violations against children during times of conflict, enumerated by the Security Council in its resolutions, form the basis of the Council's architecture in protecting children during war. This Working Paper attempts to analyse the six grave violations more deeply, exploring their basis in international law.
Recurso Timor-Leste Ten Years on: Reconstructing Curriculum for the Future? Soon after achieving independence, Timor-Leste, alongside development partners, prioritised a radical reform of the education sector. A critical component within this was to transform the primary curriculum to ensure that the content and pedagogy of what was taught in Timorese classrooms worked to support, rather than hinder, efforts at social and civic reconstruction
Recurso Guerra En Las Aulas: Violencia política contra los sindicatos de la educación en Colombia Este informe intenta presentar hechos y cifras de la violencia política contra educadores y educadoras y también entrar en detalles sobre la naturaleza y la dinámica de la manera en que los y las docentes son afectados por la violencia política en Colombia.