Recurso Measuring Distance Education During COVID-19 This webinar focused on how education practitioners and organizations around the world have adapted their M&E frameworks (data collection, monitoring, evaluation and learning) during the COVID-19 crisis with presentations and panelists from INEE, People in Need Nepal, Young 1ove, EdTech Hub, the Girls Education Challenge and Malawi project team, and the INEE Distance Education Reference Group.
Recurso Marginalised No More Street Child’s Marginalised No More project in Nepal supports 7,000 highly marginalised girls to learn basic literacy and numeracy through an accelerated learning programme (ALP) and livelihood support.
Recurso تصميم ومراقبة تدّخلات التعليم والتعلّم عن بعد: دليل للمشاريع والمنفذين تم تصميم هذا الدليل لدعم المشاريع والمنفذين للنظر في كيفية تصميم وتنفيذ ومراقبة تدخلات التعليم والتعلّم عن بعد (DTL)، في وقت تكون فيه المرونة وتكييف التدّخلات ضرورية للحفاظ على تعلّم الأطفال.
Recurso Designing and monitoring distance teaching and learning interventions: A guide for projects and implementers This guide was designed to support projects and implementors to consider how to design, implement and monitor distance teaching and learning (DTL) interventions in a time where flexibility and adaptation of interventions is necessary to keep children learning.
Recurso Sisters for Sisters’ Education Part of the VSO Sisters for Sisters’ Education Project in Nepal, the English and Digital for Girls’ Education (EDGE) programme supports 1,350 adolescent girls through girls’ clubs which had used radio as a key modality.
Evento Measuring Distance Education During COVID-19 The INEE Standards and Practice Working Group and Distance Education Reference Group are pleased to invite you to join us for a webinar on measuring distance education during COVID-19. Join to learn how education practitioners and organizations around the world have adapted their M&E frameworks (data collection, monitoring, evaluation and learning) during the COVID-19 crisis.
Noticias Au Mali, l’apprentissage par la radio, rayon de soleil pour les enfants Des radios alimentées à l'énergie solaire aident les enfants déplacés et touchés par les conflits à poursuivre leur scolarité en dehors des salles de classe.
Noticias Un an d’éducation perturbée par la COVID-19 : où en sommes-nous ? Il y a un an exactement, la pandémie de COVID-19 stoppait brutalement l’apprentissage dans le monde, créant la perturbation la plus grave de l’éducation de toute l’histoire. Au plus fort de la crise, selon les données de l’UNESCO, plus de 1,6 milliard d’apprenants dans plus de 190 pays ont arrêté d’aller à l’école.
Noticias L’éducation par WhatsApp : permettre aux filles d’apprendre en toute sécurité pendant le confinement au Zimbabwe « Je veux devenir magistrate, mais j’ai peur. Les filles qui sont mariées ne vont pas pouvoir retourner à l’école.