Recurso رعاية الأطفال الذين يعيشون في الأوضاع الإنسانية يسلط هذا الموجز الضوء على الحاجة إلى ضمان حصول الأطفال في الأوضاع الإنسانية على الرعاية بشكل أفضل. ويلخص ما يمكن أن يفعله مخططو البرامج ومنفذوها لتقليل تأثير حالات الطوارئ على حياة الأطفال الصغار وأسرهم.
Recurso Nurturing care for children living in humanitarian settings This thematic brief sheds light on the need to better ensure children in humanitarian settings receive nurturing care. The brief summarizes what programme planners and implementers can do to minimize the impact that emergencies have on the lives of young children and their families.
Recurso Cuidado cariñoso y sensible para las niñas y niños que viven en entornos de crisis humanitarias En el presente informe se resumen las medidas que los planificadores y ejecutores de programas deben adoptar para reducir al mínimo el impacto que las emergencias tienen en las vidas de las niñas y niños pequeños y sus familias.
Recurso JEiE Special Issue on Education and the War on Drugs Launch Marking the launch of JEiE’s latest publication, a groundbreaking special issue on education and the war on drugs, the panelists examined how education is not only a site of extensive collateral damage produced by the war on drugs but also how education policies and practices perpetuate and sustain this long-running, transnational, multifaceted war.
Recurso With Us and For Us: Working with and for Young people in Humanitarian and Protracted Crises These IASC guidelines provide a framework for working with and for young people throughout the humanitarian programme cycle (HPC), complete with tips, examples and case studies. In addition, humanitarian actors can use this guidance as a reference to design programmes that respond to their context
Recurso TEAM Girl Malawi Learning Paper: Reaching the most marganalised during COVID-19 Transformational Empowerment for Marginalised Adolescent Girls in Malawi (TEAM Girl Malawi) aims to significantly improve learning and life chances for the most marginalised young people.
Recurso Colombia’s Education Crisis: Results from a Learning Assessment of Colombian and Venezuelan Children IRC conducted a learning assessment in the city of Cúcuta to better understand these challenges and shine a light on children’s needs. This brief will discuss several of the key findings from this assessment to illustrate the extent to which schooling, or lack thereof, is impacting children’s outcomes in Colombia.
Blog Stories: Supporting Girls in their Pursuit of Education - Stories' from the Girls Education Challenge - Kenya & Uganda These stories of three girls and their pursuit of educaiton in Uganda and Kenya were collected as part of INEE's 20th Anniversary commemoration to highlight how education in the midst of crisis and upheaval has made a difference for our members and those they work with (learners, youth, teachers, caregivers, etc.).
Recurso Field Note: Catalyst: Expanding Harm-Reduction Education and Youth Participation in the Context of the War on Drugs Author Theo Di Castri argues for an innovative harm-reduction curriculum that engages youth at the frontlines of the war on drugs in transformative and sustainable grassroots action.
Recurso Nota de campo: Catalizador (Catalyst): Ampliar la educación sobre reducción de daños y la participación de los jóvenes en el contexto de la guerra contra las drogas El autor Theo Di Castri apoya un innovador programa de estudios de reducción de daños que involucra a los jóvenes que están en la primera línea de la lucha contra las drogas en una acción de base transformadora y sostenible.