Journal on Education in Emergencies: Volume 4, Number 1
The Journal on Education in Emergencies aims to stimulate research and debate about education in emergencies; promote learning informed by evidence; define knowledge gaps and key trends for future research; and publish rigorous scholarly and practitioner work that will set standards for evidence in the field.
The fourth issue of the Journal on Education in Emergencies (JEiE) was published in August 2018. This exciting new issue of JEiE includes five research articles, one field note, and four book reviews. It features a diverse cohort of authors who employ a wide range of methodologies and disciplinary approaches. Three pieces shine new light on refugees’ experiences with education in kindergarten, in adolescence, and in higher education. A special sub-section on education administration in postconflict societies offers three articles that comment on reforms to education systems that are embedded in intrastate peace agreements, on policy transfer, and on the complex interrelationship between identity, ethnicity, and control over territory, and over education within a territory.
The full JEiE Volume 4, Number 1, as well as individual articles, can be downloaded by clicking on the titles below.
The Journal on Education in Emergencies, published by the Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE), is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.