Editorial Note: Journal on Education in Emergencies: Volume 4, Number 1
We are delighted to present the fourth issue of the Journal on Education in Emergencies (JEiE). The five research articles and one field note featured in this issue coalesce around two main themes: refugee education and education administration in postconflict societies. As this issue goes to press in August 2018, the Syrian conflict has created 5.6 million refugees—the most of any current conflict—of which Turkey has absorbed 63 percent, Lebanon 17 percent, and Jordan 12 percent (UNHCR 2018). All three governments have worked to incorporate refugee children into their strained national education systems or, in some cases, into complementary education programs, which are often stretched thin and under-resourced. Yet the roughly 1.2 million Syrian refugees taken in by Lebanon constitute a higher percentage of the country’s pre-conflict population (4 million) than that of its two neighbors.