Resource Latest Evidence for Accelerated Education The webinar focused on sharing key findings and recommendations from a recent evidence review and explored the relevance of the findings for the non-formal education/alternative education space.
Blog 4 INEE web events in 1 week! We are pleased to let you know that we have four - YES, 4!! - free, English-language web events happening during the week of June 8th!
Event E-Cubed Q&A This 45-minute Q&A webinar will provide a short introduction to the E-Cubed Research Fund and an opportunity for participants to ask questions directly to Dubai Cares and INEE about the application process.
Event Latest Evidence for Accelerated Education The webinar will focus on sharing key findings and recommendations from a recent evidence review and will explore the relevance of the findings for the non-formal education/alternative education space. The panel will conclude with an overview of this review for the AEWG’s upcoming work and then open for robust discussion.
Event Strengthening the Global EiE Data Architecture During this webinar individuals from INEE, the Humanitarian Data Exchange, UNHCR, Translators Without Borders, and NORRAG will discuss the latest developments in strengthening the global EiE data architecture since the 2019 EiE Data Summit, and possible next steps.
Resource Planning for School Reopening and Recovery After COVID-19 The short and accessible briefs collected here draw on rigorous evidence relevant to the COVID-19 emergency to formulate recommendations for policymakers on five critical dimensions of school reopening and recovery.
Resource Principles for Phone-Based Assessments of Learning In this article, we draw on our pilot testing of phone-based assessments in Botswana, along with the existing literature on oral testing of reading and mathematics, to propose a series of preliminary principles to guide researchers and service providers as they try phone-based learning assessments
Resource Supporting Syrian families displaced by armed conflict: A pilot randomized controlled trial of the Caregiver Support Intervention The Caregiver Support Intervention (CSI) aims to strengthen parenting by lowering stress and improving psychosocial wellbeing among refugee parents, while also increasing knowledge and skill related to positive parenting. We describe the findings of a two-arm pilot randomized controlled trial of the CSI with Syrian refugees in Lebanon. The primary aim was to test the feasibility of our study methodology prior to conducting a definitive RCT.
Resource EiE Data Tip Sheets This series of tip sheets guides users through the EiE data world, helping practitioners and policymakers use, find, and interpret data for EiE.
Blog Operationalizing ‘what works’ for education in emergencies research Operationalizing ‘what works’ for education in emergencies research: 5 factors that facilitate ethical randomized designs