Resource Contextualized INEE Minimum Standards: Jordan The INEE Minimum Standards are generic in order to be applicable to a broad range of contexts. They are most effective when they are contextualized to each individual setting. The following is the contextualized INEE Minimum Standards from Jordan.
Resource Contextualized INEE Minimum Standards: Bangladesh The INEE Minimum Standards are generic in order to be applicable to a broad range of contexts.The Minimum Standards are most effective when they are contextualised to each individual setting. The following is a sample of contextualised INEE Minimum Standards from Bangladesh in 2015.
Resource Mapping the Education Response to the Syrian Crisis This report presents a snapshot of the education response to the Syrian crisis. The report provides an overview of the context, key issues, services offered and barriers to education service delivery in Syria proper as well as in Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon, Northern Iraq/Kurdistan and Egypt.
Resource Translating Global Education Standards to Local Contexts Global standards such as the Education in Emergencies Minimum Standards need to be applied locally and this requires a thoughtful and committed contextualisation process.
Resource Education in Emergencies in Sri Lanka - Lessons Learned This Lessons Learned review was undertaken in order to detail and analyze Sri Lanka’s experience in providing emergency education through the war and after the tsunami and identify key lessons that may be useful for future practice not only in Sri Lanka but also in emergency contexts around the world.
Resource الحد األدنى لمعايير التعليم في حاالت الطوارئ في لبنان تعتمد هذه الوثيقة تنظيم أداة الحد األدنى للمعايير التي أعدتها شبكة اآليني، فتُ َ قسم إلى خمسة نطاقات لكل منها معايير محددة )راجع الخارطة في الصفحة التالية(. ويتضمن المقطع المخصص لكل معيار النص األصلي للحد األدنى للمعايير، ومن ثم التوجيه لكيفية تفسير هذا المعيار العالمي في السياق اللبناني.
Resource Contextualized INEE Minimum Standards: Lebanon The INEE Minimum Standards are generic in order to be applicable to a broad range of contexts. They are most effective when they are contextualized to each individual setting. The following is the contextualized INEE Minimum Standards from Lebanon.
Resource INEE Minimum Standards Linkages to Sphere Minimum Standards This document highlights the relationships between the INEE Minimum Standards for Education: Preparedness, Response, Recovery and the Sphere Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response in order to provide a cohesive outline of an integrated, multi-sectoral response.
Resource Les relations entre les Normes minimales de l’INEE et les Normes minimales de SPHERE This document highlights the relationships between the INEE Minimum Standards for Education: Preparedness, Response, Recovery and the Sphere Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response in order to provide a cohesive outline of an integrated, multi-sectoral response.
Resource Regional Conference on Education in Emergencies and Disaster Preparedness Presentation on education in emergencies and INEE for the Regional Conference on Education in Emergencies and Disaster Preparedness "Ensuring Continuum in Emergencies", 10-12 Dec 2013 in Manila, Philippines.