Resource Early Childhood Development in the Aftermath of the 2016 Wildfires in Alberta, Canada Authors Julie L. Drolet, Caroline McDonald-Harker, Nasreen Lalani, Sarah McGreer, Matthew R. G. Brown, and Peter H. Silverstone argue that ECD service delivery and infrastructure, critically inadequate in the months after wildfires devastated Fort McMurray, Alberta, are a vital part of disaster risk reduction and emergency preparedness.
Resource مذكّرة ميدانية: زيارة المنازل في الشّرق الأوسط: دراسات حول تنفيذ برنامج الوصول والتّعلم أوجز المؤلفون كاتلين سوينج ويلتون وإيمي فاشون وكاتي ميف ميرفي وآيات الأقرع وعبد الله النسور وإيمان إبراهيم وأنس طحان وكايلا هوير وكريستين باول في هذه المذكّرة الميدانيّة تجربة لجنة الإنقاذ الدّولية في تكييف التّدخل عن طريق الزّيارة المنزليّة لتنمية الطّفولة المبكّرة للاجئين والنّازحين داخليًا في الأردن ولبنان وسوريا.
Resource Field Note: Home Visiting in the Middle East: Reflections on the Implementation of Reach Up and Learn In this Field Note, authors Katelin Swing Wilton, Aimée Vachon, Katie Maeve Murphy, Ayat Al Aqra, Abdullah Ensour, Iman Ibrahim, Anas Tahhan, Kayla Hoyer, and Christine Powell outline the International Rescue Committee’s experience adapting a home-visiting ECD intervention for refugees and internally displaced persons in Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria.
Resource Field Note: Building Resilience and Mitigating the Impact of Toxic Stress in Young Children: A Model for Transforming Parenting and Male Caregiving in El Salvador In this Field Note, Fabiola A. Lara examines how the rollout of Save the Children’s Toxic Stress Mitigation Model in El Salvador addressed the needs and wellbeing of caregivers, as well as those of children, and engaged fathers and grandfathers in children’s early development in innovative ways.
Resource مذكّرة ميدانية: تنفيذ إطار تقويم الحاجات الإنسانيّة لتنمية الطفولة المبكرة: الإبلاغ عن تصميم المبادرة لأجل مجتمعات الروهينغيا النّازحة في بنغلاديش يوضح المؤلفون كيم فولدز ونورين خان وسنيها سوبرامانيان وأشرفول الحق في هذه المذكّرة الميدانية كيف استقطبت ورشة Sesame السّكان المتضرّرين إلى الطاولة لتصميم وتحديد نطاق مبادرة تنمية الطفولة المبكّرة، وتقديم إطار عمل لإشراك المستفيدين في التّخطيط للبرامج الإنسانيّة.
Resource Field Note: Implementing a Humanitarian Needs Assessment Framework for Early Childhood Development: Informing Intervention Design for Displaced Rohingya Communities in Bangladesh In this Field Note, authors Kim Foulds, Naureen Khan, Sneha Subramanian, and Ashraful Haque illustrate how Sesame Workshop brought affected populations to the table to plan the design and scope of an ECD intervention and offer a framework for involving recipients in planning humanitarian programming.
Resource Field Note: BRAC Humanitarian Play Lab Model: Promoting Healing, Learning and Development for Displaced Rohingya Children In this Field Note, authors Erum Mariam, Jahanara Ahmad, and Sarwat Sarah Sarwar argue that community participation in the design of ECD centers has led to the creation of learning spaces that foster a sense of belonging and cultural pride for displaced children in Cox’s Bazar, thus supporting their psychosocial wellbeing.
Resource Field Note: Accessible Strategies to Support Children’s Mental Health and Wellbeing in Emergencies: Experience from the Rohingya Refugee Camp In this Field Note, author Samier Mansur discusses No Limit Generation’s innovative video training platform for aid workers, ECD professionals, educators, and caregivers, and suggests that the scale and accessibility technology-supported capacity-building is a sustainable way to support ECD in humanitarian settings.
Resource Commentary: Newborns in Fragile and Humanitarian Settings: A Multi-Agency Partnership Roadmap In this Commentary, authors Saverio Bellizzi, Lori McDougall, Sheila Manji, and Ornella Lincetto discuss how growing recognition of the need for coordinated support for newborns in humanitarian settings led Save the Children, UNICEF, UNHCR, and WHO to develop a seminal mapping of actions to ensure that babies and mothers survive and thrive in emergency contexts.
Resource Commentary: Supporting Maternal Mental Health and Nurturing Care in Humanitarian Settings In this Commentary, authors Bernadette Daelmans, Mahalakshmi Nair, Fahmy Hanna, Ornella Lincetto, Tarun Dua, and Xanthe Hunt bring attention to the cascading effects of caregivers’ mental health for children’s development and outline an agenda for interagency priority-setting and research to support mothers’ and newborns’ mental wellbeing.