Resource Desafíos para la generación y uso de datos educativos en situaciones de emergencia en América Latina: La crisis de migrantes y refugiados venezolanos Partiendo del supuesto que establece que los datos no son objetivos ni neutrales, este estudio provee un primer acercamiento a la construcción social de los datos educativos utilizados en el marco de la crisis de migrantes y refugiados venezolanos, incluyendo discursos, practicas y actores que se encuentran presentes en la generación y uso de estos datos.
Resource Refugee Education Statistics: Issues and Recommendations This paper reviews the available data sources on refugee education that could contribute to SDG4 monitoring for refugees, covering access, learning, protection and safety. It examines a range of sources to understand where data lies across the data value chain.
Resource NEAT+ The NEAT+ is a project-level screening tool, specifically designed for situations of displacement, which combines environmental data with site-specific and activity-based questions to automatically analyze and flag priority environmental risks.
News Renforcer la résilience par l’amélioration des données sur l’EIE et les crises - Référentiel de données probantes et d’enseignements de l’UNESCO La section de l’UNESCO chargée de l’éducation pour les migrations, le déplacement et les situations d’urgence s’efforce de réunir des preuves et des enseignements concernant les pratiques qui permettent de renforcer les données EIE et les systèmes institutionnels d’information sur l’éducation dans les contextes touchés par des crises.
Blog فهْم احتياجات أدلة التعليم في حالات الطوارئ: دروس من الغلاف المالي الموجه للبحوث ضمن التعليم في حالات الطوارئ E-Cubed تسعد الشبكة المشتركة لوكالات التعليم في حالات الطوارئ ودبي العطاء بمشاركة مقترحات الأساليب التحليلية للغلاف المالي الموجه للبحوث ضمن التعليم في حالات الطوارئ E-Cubed من الفترة 2017-2020، بجانب التحليل من استبيان لعام 2020 من الشبكة المشتركة لوكالات التعليم في حالات الطوارئ على فجوات الأدلة لـ كوفيد-19.
Resource Data Technologies and Education in Emergencies INEE is excited to build on its multi-part webinar series from the USAID Middle East Education Research, Training, and Support (MEERS) program, implemented by Social Impact and FHI 360, entitled “The 4Ws of Education in Emergencies (EiE) Data: Who has What data? Where can I find it? And Why is this so complicated?”
Blog EiE research, policy, and practice: by whom and for whom? Emerging outputs from the E-Cubed Research Fund This blog summarizes key takeaways from an INEE and Dubai Cares convened panel at the annual CIES conference. The panel highlighted three E-Cubed research projects and offered an opportunity to share emerging outputs from the E-Cubed Research Fund in a formal discussion centering around the theme of “EiE research, policy, and practice: by whom and for whom?”
Resource Global Trends: Forced Displacement in 2020 The year 2020 will be remembered as a year like no other. The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted all facets of life, causing millions of deaths around the world and leading to human suffering, economic recession, restrictions on human mobility and severe limitations on daily life.
Event Data Technologies and Education in Emergencies INEE is excited to build on its multi-part webinar series from the USAID Middle East Education Research, Training, and Support (MEERS) program, implemented by Social Impact and FHI 360, entitled “The 4Ws of Education in Emergencies (EiE) Data: Who has What data? Where can I find it? And Why is this so complicated?”
Blog Decolonizing COVID-19 Gender Data This blog, part of the Committing to Change: Girls' EiE from Charlevoix to COVID-19 blog series, explores how Equal Measures 2030 plans to use their data outputs to undertake advocacy with key stakeholders in 2021 on the critical role of data-driven advocacy in driving change on girls’ education.