Resource Enabling Teachers: Teacher Professional Development Module: COVID-19 for Teachers This module focuses on the information it is important for you to have as a teacher to stay safe and to think about COVID in the school setting. It also helps you to think about your own wellbeing and feelings during this time and how you might cope.
Blog CSE Training in Kibondo, Tanzania: Wia-Mae’s learning journey Wia-Mae Koha Mmari shares her experience as a participant in a training of trainers workshop on conflict sensitive education, and the transition to facilitating the training on her own.
Resource JRS MHPSS Teacher Training Modules This 44-page document includes five 3-hour teacher training modules. Module 5 focuses on "Teacher Wellbeing." The resource was coincidentally made around the onset of COVID-19 but it addresses the larger need to support the psychosocial wellbeing of students, teachers, and the entire community, particularly in refugee settlements or other setting affected by protracted displacement.
Resource Pratiques prometteuses en matière de gestion, de développement professionnel et de bien être des enseignants Cette publication fournit aux donateurs, aux décideurs politiques, aux praticiens, aux chercheurs et aux enseignants des exemples convaincants de programmes et de pratiques qui influencent positivement l'amélioration des conditions de travail et des pratiques d'enseignement des enseignants.
Resource Práticas promissoras em Gestão, Desenvolvimento Profissional e Bem-estar de Professores/as Esta publicação oferece a doadores, formuladores de políticas, profissionais, pesquisadoras/es e professoras/es exemplos convincentes de programas e práticas que influenciam positivamente a melhoria das condições de trabalho e da prática docente.
Resource Promising Practices in Teacher Management, Professional Development, and Wellbeing This publication provides donors, policymakers, practitioners, researchers, and teachers with compelling examples of programs and practices that positively influence improvements in teachers’ work conditions and teaching practice.
Resource Interview: Teachers in Forced Displacement Contexts: Persistent Challenges and Promising Practices in Teacher Supply, Quality, and Well-Being In this interview, Dr. Ozen Guven talks to Dr. Mary Mendenhall, Sonia Gomez, and Emily Varni about their research on teachers and teaching practices in contexts of forced displacement.
Blog Teacher Stories: Ouaba - Goudebou Refugee Camp, Burkina Faso This story of Ouaba, a teacher in Goudebou Refugee Camp, Burkina Faso, was collected as part of TiCC Roundtable to ensure that the voices and experiences of teachers working in crisis and displacement permeate all aspects of the event.
Blog Teacher Stories: Grace - Northeast Nigeria This story of Grace, a teacher in Northeast Nigeria, was collected as part of TiCC Roundtable to ensure that the voices and experiences of teachers working in crisis and displacement permeate all aspects of the event.
Blog Teacher Stories: Jean -Moloundou, Cameroon This story of Jean, at teacher in Cameroon, was collected as part of TiCC Roundtable to ensure that the voices and experiences of teachers working in crisis and displacement permeate all aspects of the event.