Resource الوحدة 5: التخطيط للعمل (بما فيها الجهوزية ووضع الخطط الرديفة وبناء القدرات) في نهاية هذه الجلسة سيكون المشاركون قادرين على: الالتزام بخطة عمل ترتبط بما تعلمته/ ناقشته في ورشة العمل هذه, تحديد أولويات نشاطات الجهوزية والخطوات التالية التي قد تتضمن.
Resource EiE Harmonized Training Module 5: Action Planning and Follow-up At the end of this session participants will be able to commit to an action plan related to what you have learned/discussed in this workshop and identify priority preparedness actions and next steps.
Resource Module 5 : Planification de l’action À la fin de cette session, les participants pourront s’engager à mettre en œuvre un plan d’action conforme aux enseignements/discussions de cet atelier et sauront identifier les actions prioritaires de préparation et les étapes suivantes.
Resource الوحدة 9: التخطيط الرديف لحالات الطوارئ سيكون المشاركون في نهاية الجلسة قادرين على: فهم ما هي الخطة الرديفة لحالات الطوارئ، وما أهميتها, فهم المكونات الرئيسية للتخطيط الرديف لحالات الطوارئ, فهم كيفية تطوير وثيقة التخطيط الرديف لحالات الطوارئ, البدء بعملية وضع الخطط الرديفة للطوارئ
Resource EiE Harmonized Training Module 9: Contingency Planning At the end of this session participants will be able to understand what is contingency planning and why it is important, understand the key components of the contingency planning process, understand how to develop a contingency planning document, and begin the contingency planning process.
Resource Module 9 : Planification d’urgence À la fin de cette session, les participants comprendront en quoi consiste la planification d’urgence et pourquoi elle est importante, comprendront les éléments clés du processus de planification d’urgence, seront en mesure d’élaborer le document relatif à la planification d’urgence, et pourront commencer le processus de planification d’urgence.
Resource Les réformes curriculaires par l’approche par compétences en Afrique Cette étude s‘inscrit dans un ensemble de recherches-évaluations internationales, notamment en matière de résultats des acquis des élèves, qui montrent que la caractéristique essentielle de la majorité des pays africains est celle d‘un échec scolaire important dont les causes sont multiples.
Resource Equity and Inclusion in Education: A guide to support education sector plan preparation and revision This guide was developed to support the integration of equity and inclusion issues in education sector plans while they are developed, revised or appraised. It promotes a more comprehensive and evidence-based approach to providing equitable education, which is at the heart of Education for All.
Resource Haiti's Greatest Resource: Ensuring the Participation of Children & Young People in Recovery Efforts A brief developed by UNICEF which provides an overview of some statistics relating to adolescents and youth in Haiti prior to the earthquake, highlights of key opportunities to include children, adolescents and youth in programming the emergency response, and some contacts of youth organisations working in Haiti.
Resource Guidebook for Planning Education in Emergencies and Reconstruction The Guidebook for planning education in emergencies and reconstruction aims to support educational authorities in providing equal access to quality education for children affected by conflict or disaster - which can also provide a unique opportunity to reform an education system.