Resource ¿Cómo mitigar los efectos de la pandemia COVID-19 sobre la alimentación y la nutrición de los niños escolares? Esta nota conjunta tiene la intención de proporcionar guía preliminar a los tomadores de decisión de gobiernos, administradores y personal escolar y otros actores sobre cómo apoyar, transformar o adaptar la alimentación escolar (a corto plazo) para salvaguardar la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición de los escolares durante la pandemia de COVID-19.
Resource Comment atténuer les effets de la pandémie de COVID-19 sur l’alimentation et la nutrition des écoliers Cette note conjointe souhaite fournir aux décideurs gouvernementaux, aux administrateurs/employés des écoles et aux partenaires des orientations préliminaires sur la façon de soutenir, de transformer ou d’adapter l’alimentation scolaire (à court terme) en vue de protéger la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition des écoliers pendant la pandémie de COVID-19.
Resource WFP School Feeding Strategy 2020 - 2030 In this strategy WFP lays out how it will advocate globally, and work in partnership, to address gaps in guaranteeing a proper school health and nutrition response for children in schools. This document also explains the new approach to school feeding adopted by WFP, as a pillar of an integrated school health and nutrition response.
Resource Estrategia de alimentación escolar del PMA para 2020 - 2030 En la presente estrategia se define cómo el Programa abogará a nivel mundial y cómo trabajará en asociación para subsanar las carencias a la hora de garantizar intervenciones adecuadas de salud y nutrición para los niños en las escuelas.
Resource Stratégie du PAM en matière d’alimentation scolaire pour 2020 - 2030 La présente stratégie précise comment le PAM va défendre cette cause au niveau mondial et travailler en partenariat pour combler les lacunes qui empêchent de mettre en oeuvre des interventions de santé et de nutrition adéquates en faveur des enfants en milieu scolaire.
Resource Food and Nutrition in Disasters This page covers food handling in emergencies and feeding disaster victims.
Resource How Evidence Informs Decision-Making: The Scale-Up of Nutrition Actions Through an Early Childhood Development Platform in Malawi With strong global attention focused on how to scale-up multisectoral actions in nutrition leveraging existing platforms, this case study looks at the enabling factors that informed and led to the government’s decision to scale-up nutrition-sensitive actions through Malawi’s ECD platform.
Resource UNHCR Nutrition in Camps Food security and nutrition interventions in camps aim to improve the immediate food security and nutritional well-being of refugees, mainly by tackling the immediate and underlying causes of malnutrition. This guideline provides instruction on nutrition provision in camps.
Resource Investing in the Early Years to Build Human Capital: Practical Solutions and Tools for Parliamentarians Investing in the early years in human capital through better nutrition, health, stimulation, and care promotes individual development and drives national wealth and economic growth. This builds a path to ending extreme poverty and reduces inequality.
Resource Guideline: counselling of women to improve breastfeeding practices This guideline examines the evidence and makes recommendations and remarks on the implementation of some of the details of breastfeeding counselling, such as frequency, timing, mode and provider of breastfeeding counselling, to improve breastfeeding practices.