Introduction to the Monitoring & Evaluation Toolkit for Accelerated Education Programmes
The AEWG is an inter-agency working group led by UNHCR with participation from ECHO, EDC, IRC, NRC, Plan International, Save the Children, UNESCO, UNICEF, USAID, and War Child Holland. The AEWG aims to improve the quality of accelerated education (AE) through developing guidance and tools to support a more harmonised, standardised approach to AE provision.
In this webinar, members of the AEWG presented the new Monitoring & Evaluation toolkit. The purpose of the toolkit is to support the design and implementation of M&E Frameworks for accelerated education programmes (AEP) in order to support learning and accountability. The toolkit consists of a user manual and (1) AE Theory of Change; (2) objectives and indicator menu; (3) LogFrame; (4) M&E plan; (5) indicator monitoring table. The toolkit also comes with suggested specifications for recommended indicators and a template for an M&E plan narrative. The AE M&E Toolkit is available in English, French, Spanish, and Arabic. There will be plenty of time for questions and discussion about how to use the toolkit in your AEP!