Financing education in Sub-Saharan Africa: meeting the challenges of expansion, equity and quality

This report presents a new series of data highlighting the tremendous financial commitment of African governments and the international community to achieve EFA.

This report aims to address these issues by examining local policies and developing a region-specific knowledge base for SSA that sheds light on the key strengths and challenges of the education systems. This is especially important for the SSA region because of the general paucity of information. Countries continuously face difficult policy questions but do not have good answers due to the absence of evidence and tools for forecasting the policy consequences. The process of effectively financing education expansion and quality improvement is rendered more complex by the lack of solid statistics on the costs and financing of education. To make the most efficient and effective use of limited resources, it is increasingly important for countries to have comprehensive and comparable data on education finance, not only for strategic planning and decisionmaking but also for monitoring progress

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Published by

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organziation (UNESCO)


Education Financing

Geographic Focus

Region: Central Africa
Region: East Africa
Region: Southern Africa
Region: West Africa