Caregiver-Reported Early Development Instrument (CREDI) Short Form - Brazil
The Caregiver Reported Early Development Instrument (CREDI) was designed to serve as a population-level measure of early childhood development (ECD) for children from birth to age three. The Short Form used in Brazil gathers information on the development of five inter-related domains: motor, cognitive, language, social-emotional, and mental health. The measure does not have the ability to provide information about individual children (e.g. as a screener), or specific development within a particular domain (e.g. cognitive).
See CREDI Long Form - China and CREDI Long Form - India for different versions of this measurement tool.
Disclaimer: This tool was not tested in an EiE context. The Measurement Library Reference Group members are including the measure as it shows promise for use in EiE contexts with careful adaptation.