Evento Achieving quality education for internally displaced children and young people This webinar will highlight the real-life day-to-day challenges young IDPs experience when seeking access to quality education, which is fundamental to their healthy development and future life chances. It will also reflect the perspectives of teachers who have been displaced, and the challenges they have faced both personally and professionally in attempting to support the learning of children and young people in their communities.
Recurso Global Trends: Forced Displacement in 2020 The year 2020 will be remembered as a year like no other. The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted all facets of life, causing millions of deaths around the world and leading to human suffering, economic recession, restrictions on human mobility and severe limitations on daily life.
Recurso Need to Know Guidance: Working with LGBTIQ+ Persons in Forced Displacement A guidance note on working with LGBTQIA+ individuals in forced displacement contexts. Includes terminology, guiding principles, and recommendations for promoting safe and inclusive spaces and addressing operational protection risks.
Recurso El Trabajo Con Personas Lesbianas, Gais Bisexuales, Transgénero, Intersexuales y Queer (LGBTIQ+) Durante El Desplazamiento Forzado Nota de orientación sobre el trabajo con personas LGBTQIA+ en contextos de desplazamiento forzado. Incluye terminología, principios rectores y recomendaciones para promover espacios seguros e inclusivos y abordar los riesgos operativos de protección.
Recurso Travailler avec les personnes LGBTIQ+ en situations de déplacement forcé Une note d'orientation sur le travail avec les personnes LGBTQIA+ dans les contextes de déplacement forcé. Elle comprend une terminologie, des principes directeurs et des recommandations pour promouvoir des espaces sûrs et inclusifs et traiter les risques opérationnels de protection.
Evento By Refugees, For Refugees: Refugee Leadership beyond the Pandemic This webinar will explore the factors that influence the impact of refugee-led organizations (RLOs) as service-delivery providers in humanitarian settings before and during COVID-19. In the context of the Coronavirus pandemic, when international actors are limited in their mobility and access, RLOs are increasingly becoming frontline responders that provide vital assistance to displaced communities.
Recurso Educação de pessoas refugiadas durante a COVID-19: Crise e oportunidade Este documento apresenta o resultado sintetizado do ciclo de conversas destas pessoas refugiadas, destacando desafios e recomendações e dando voz às e aos próprios jovens refugiados.
Recurso اللاجئین خلال كوفید ١٩ : الأزمة والفرصة الرسائل الرئیسة تقدم وتستعرض هذه الورقة نتائج ومخرجات الموائد المستدیرة للاجئین، وتسلط الضوء على التحدیات والتوصیات وتعطي صوتً ا للاجئین الشباب أنفسهم.
Recurso Refugee education during COVID-19 - Crisis and opportunity This paper presents the synthesised outcome of five INEE refugee round table events, held 20-24 July 2020, highlighting challenges and recommendations, and giving voice to the young refugees themselves.
Recurso Educación para refugiados durante el COVID-19: crisis y oportunidades Este documento presenta el resultado sintetizado de estas mesas redondas, destacando los desafíos y recomendaciones y dando voz a los propios jóvenes refugiados.