INEE Member Spotlight: Abraha Ambaye
Location: Ethiopia
Title: Assistant professor of curriculum, assessment and early years education
Introduce yourself to other members. Tell us who you are and summarize the work you do or interest you have in EiE.
I am Abraha Asfaw. I did my PhD degree in Curriculum Design and Development, MA degrees in two fields of study: one in Curriculum and Instruction and another in Measurement and Evaluation (Psychology), and B.Ed. in pedagogical sciences (minor mathematics).
I have over 30 years of professional experience (teaching, educational leadership, research and consultancy for different international and governmental organizations). I published articles in local and international reputable journals and my research interest is in policy and curriculum design, learning assessment, effective pedagogies, education in emergency, and equity and quality in early years education.
I can fluently communicate in Tigrigna (mother tongue), Amharic and English.
What has been a highlight of your work as a professional in EiE? Feel free to share a personal story.
The highlight of my work has been the contributions to research and consultancy in education in emergencies.
When and why did you join INEE, and what is the value of INEE membership to you?
I joined INEE in 2022 to make professional contributions to education in emergencies in all possible ways such as research, learning design, data management, data sharing, and learning assessment.
How do you currently engage with the INEE network?
I engage with INEE network through following the INEE website, newsletters, and EiE resources, and participating in web events and research activities on children’s early learning in refugee and host communities and conflict-affected contexts. .
How would you like INEE members to connect and engage with you? What skills, experience and/or technical support would you be willing to share or provide to other members and/or INEE Secretariat?
I would like to connect and engage with INEE members in areas including: data and evidence in education; education policy dialogue; designing curriculum and assessment; and working towards equity and quality education. These are also my professional areas of interest for engagement with INEE.
Anything else you want to share with members?
Education can be an equalizer if we leverage it for the purpose.
* Published on July 2023.
INEE Member Spotlights consist of text, photos, and/or videos, and are featured via the INEE website, newsletters, and social media channels. If you are interested in participating in the Member Spotlight Series, please complete the submission form in the language of your choice and attach any additional files.
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