INEE 2018 Annual Report
We are pleased to share with you, in this INEE 2018 Annual Report, a summary of the network’s many activities and accomplishments, which are organized by the network’s strategic priorities outlined in the INEE Strategic Framework 2018-2023. This framework guides the network -- all of us! -- to play an ever more effective role in the delivery of quality, safe, and relevant education for all those affected by emergencies and protracted crises.
A few notable achievements in 2018 include: increasing the INEE membership by more than 1,100 members, and establishing three new working groups; fortifying a research and evidence agenda; publishing a new tool on psychosocial support; co-organizing a global round table with the Alliance on Child Protection; and fostering new partnerships with the Agence Française de Développement (AFD), the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).
We invite you to read this 2018 Annual Report, keeping in mind that the important achievements highlighted here are the result of our collective and cooperative efforts. Your support of and engagement with INEE is our true success, and we look forward to continuing to work with you to ensure all girls, boys, women, and men affected by crisis and instability have access to quality, relevant, and safe education opportunities.
Click to read and download the full INEE 2018 Annual Report.