Call for applications: Minimum Standards Update project Reference Group
Background of the project
Over the last twenty years, the Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) has solidified its role as the go-to network for Education in Emergencies (EiE) practitioners to co-create and source tools, resources and guidance on carrying out and improving the quality of education in crisis-affected contexts. The INEE Minimum Standards for Education: Preparedness, Response, Recovery (INEE MS) is the network’s foundational tool and a pinnacle example of our members’ collective impact. First published in 2004 and revised in 2010, they provide concrete guidance to ensure safe, relevant, and quality education to all. The INEE MS represents the collaboration and consensus of thousands of EiE professionals and affected peoples worldwide. Nevertheless, the humanitarian-development landscape has shifted significantly in the past decade. To meet the priorities and needs of INEE members and all humanitarian actors, the EiE community is now embarking on updating the INEE MS.
Objective of the Reference Group
This initiative will bring together 15 to 20 key EiE stakeholders for one year. The MS Update Reference Group (RG) will serve as a platform for strategic exchange, thinking, analysis and will provide critical reflections throughout the various phases of the process.
Click to read the terms of reference of the reference group (English only; translations in progress).
Who can apply?
- Individuals and institutions
- Institutions are requested to present two candidates, one primary focal point and one alternate, in case that the primary focal point cannot attend a meeting or fulfil a request.
- English will be the lingua franca of the Reference Group. Nevertheless, those not speaking English are welcome to apply as translation to other languages can be made available.
INEE is looking to have diverse representation in the RG. Therefore the selection process will choose no more than three representatives from each of the following stakeholders.
- Local civil society,
- International civil society
- Community and teachers networks
- Relevant Ministries,
- Other stakeholders such as universities, researchers, networks etc.
How to apply
Send all required information to [email protected] with the subject “Application for MS Update Reference Group” before 31 January 2022.
For institutions, send one document containing all the following information and attach the CVs of the candidates.
- Type of stakeholder (please see above):
- Name of the organization:
- Name of the candidates:
- State in no more than one page (A4, Calibri font, size 11) the rationale for your application
For individuals, send one document containing all the following information and attach your CV.
- Type of stakeholder (please see above):
- Affiliation to any organisation:
- Name of the candidate:
- State in no more than one page (A4, Calibri font, size 11) the rationale for your application