Natalie A

Natalie Akstein

Coordinator, Member Engagement

Natalie oversees the INEE network architecture and activities to ensure that all individual and institutional members have meaningful engagement opportunities. She supports the development and implementation of strategies for strengthening and diversifying the INEE membership. Natalie received her Master’s in International Relations with a focus on Political Economy of Development from the Universitat Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals (IBEI). She has six years of experience coordinating and strengthening networks and membership engagement for global organizations structured as alliances/civil society movements focused on education and civil society issues.  Most recently, Natalie supported the Global Campaign for Education (GCE) and the Latin American Campaign for the Right to Education (CLADE) as a consultant.  Natalie is a Brazilian and US dual citizen based in Lisbon, Portugal and speaks Portuguese, Spanish and French.

Contact: [email protected]