Resource Barriers to Refugee Adolescents’ Educational Access during COVID-19: Exploring the Roles of Gender, Displacement, and Social Inequalities Nicola Jones and coauthors share insights they gained from 3,030 student surveys and 40 key informant interviews on the compounding effects COVID-19 has had on existing legal and cultural barriers to education access for Rohingya and Syrian refugees. They specifically note the exacerbating effects the pandemic has had on girls’ enrollment.
Resource Intersectionality: Experiences of Gender Socialization and Racialization for Iraqi Students Resettled in the United States Flora Cohen, Sarah R. Meyer, Ilana Seff, Cyril Bennouna, Carine Allaf, and Lindsay Stark detail how intersecting gender and race identities, resettlement status, prior experiences, and parental expectations created a different route to gendered socialization for adolescent girls and boys from Iraq in education spaces in Virginia and Texas than for their US-born counterparts.
Resource Refugee Girls’ Secondary Education in Ethiopia: Examining the Vulnerabilities of Refugees and Host Communities in Low-Resource Displacement Settings Shelby Carvalho conducted regression analyses of factors that affect refugee girls’ and boys’ access to secondary school, and that of refugee girls and girls living in nearby host communities in Ethiopia. She found that refugee girls seeking secondary education are more disadvantaged than their male or host-community peers by domestic responsibilities and the perceived safety of the community.
Resource Book Review: Borderless Higher Education for Refugees: Lessons from the Dadaab Refugee Camps edited by Wenona Giles and Lorrie Miller In her review of Borderless Higher Education for Refugees, edited by Wenona Giles and Lorrie Miller, Spogmai Akseer affirms the contributing authors’ argument for increasing access to college and university education for refugees. Higher education is a tool for navigating and overcoming the systems of inequality and the social, political, and economic barriers refugees face.
Blog Transforming our understanding of refugee teachers and teaching in contexts of forced displacement In refugee-hosting contexts, teachers contribute more to children’s learning and well-being than any other school-level factor. However, despite their crucial role and the challenging context in which they ensure learning continuity, refugee teachers often do not receive the support they need.
Blog Transformar nuestra comprensión del profesorado refugiado y de la enseñanza en contextos de desplazamiento forzado En los contextos de acogida de refugiados, el profesorado contribuye más al aprendizaje y al bienestar de niños y niñas que cualquier otro factor a nivel escolar. Sin embargo, a pesar del papel crucial que desempeña y del difícil contexto en el que garantiza la continuidad del aprendizaje, el profesorado refugiado no suele recibir el apoyo que necesita.
Blog Transformer notre compréhension du personnel enseignant réfugié et de l’enseignement dans les contextes de déplacement forcé Dans les contextes d'accueil des personnes réfugiées, le personnel enseignant contribue davantage à l'apprentissage et au bien-être des enfants que tout autre facteur au niveau de l'école. Cependant, malgré leur rôle crucial et le contexte difficile dans lequel elles assurent la continuité de l'apprentissage, le personnel enseignant réfugié ne reçoit souvent pas le soutien dont elles ont besoin.
News Día Mundial de los Refugiados: los sindicatos de la educación apoyan al alumnado y al personal docente refugiados de todo el mundo Mientras millones de personas refugiadas en todo el mundo enfrentan otro año lejos de su hogar, la Internacional de la Educación (IE) continúa defendiendo sus derechos y garantizando que se las reciba y trate con dignidad y respeto.
Resource Organization for Refuge, Asylum, & Migration (ORAM) ORAM protects and empowers LGBTQIA+ asylum seekers and refugees on every step of their journey, working along displacement routes and in transit countries. They connect individuals with the resources and opportunities they need to build safe, stable and empowered lives.
Event Foro regional: Educación más allá de las fronteras: Solidaridad regional para la garantía del derecho a la educación