Event Community Event: Digital Initiatives in Higher Education in India during COVID-19 Dr. Siran Mukerji and Dr. Anjana Virbhan, both INEE community members working at Indira Gandhi National Open University, India, will share their experiences of how Indian higher education institutions responded to the education emergency caused by COVID-19. They will also take the audience on a virtual tour of different accessible online knowledge platforms in India. Finally, there will be an opportunity for a discussion between panelists and participants.
Resource دليل حول توفير التعلّم المفتوح والتعلّم عن بُعد للطالب ذوي الإعاقة أثناء إغلاق المدارس: تحسين الإندماج في التعلّم في ظلّ جائحة كوفيد ١٩ دليل حول توفير التعلّم المفتوح والتعلّم عن بُعد للطالب ذوي الإعاقة أثناء إغلاق المدارس: تحسين الإندماج في التعلّم في ظلّ جائحة كوفيد ١٩
Resource A Proof-of-Concept Study of Can’t Wait to Learn: A Digital Game-Based Learning Program for Out-of-School Children in Lebanon Reflecting on the feasibility of ed tech solutions for out-of-school children, authors Jasmine S. Turner, Karine Taha, Nisreen Ibrahim, Koen I. Neijenhuijs, Eyad Hallak, Kate Radford, Hester Stubbé-Alberts, Thomas de Hoop, Mark J.D. Jordans, and Felicity L. Brown report significant effects on numeracy and self-esteem among 390 children in Lebanon who took part in a digital game-based intervention.
News Ya se han perdido dos años de escuela. Ni uno más La pandemia ha demostrado que la enseñanza a distancia debe ser accesible a todos los niños, niñas y adolescentes, pero no puede sustituir a la enseñanza presencial.
Resource Libya’s Roadmap for Distance Learning This document was produced in response to a request from the UNICEF Libya team that was submitted to the EdTech Hub Helpdesk in October 2021. The UNICEF Libya team requested that the EdTech Hub Helpdesk team contribute to the co-creation of an agreed upon roadmap for distance learning in Libya.
Resource حزم التعلّم عن بعد تم تصميم حزم الموارد السبعة لدعم المسؤولين الحكوميين والموظفين في الوكالات الوطنية والدولية المكلفة بتصميم وتنفيذ فرص التعلّم عن بعد الفعالة للأطفال في السياقات التنموية والإنسانية بالإضافة إلى تعزيز برامج التعلّم عن بعد الحالية.
Resource Remote Learning Packs The seven Resource Packs are designed to support government officials and staff in national and international agencies tasked with designing and implementing effective remote learning opportunities for children in development and humanitarian contexts as well as strengthening existing remote learning programmes.
Resource مجموعة الأدوات الرقمية للمعلم مجموعة أدوات رقمية تتضمن خطط، دروس، دورات، ومقاطع فيديو مجانية لجعل التدريس ممتعًا وجذابًا كما ينبغي أن يكون التعلّم.
Resource Teacher Digital Toolkit A digital toolkit including free lesson plans, courses and videos to make teaching as fun and engaging as learning should be.
Resource Unlocking Learning: The implementation and effectiveness of digital learning for Syrian refugees in Lebanon This report presents findings from a digital course used on tablets and mobile phones for language learning in Lebanon, where 40% of school-age children and adolescents are Syrian refugees. The digital course was introduced in non-formal education classes for Syrian refugees to strengthen English or French language learning and help their transition to Lebanon’s trilingual education system.