Resource Mitigating the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on food and nutrition of schoolchildren This joint note intends to provide government decision makers, school administrators/staff and partners with preliminary guidance on how to support, transform or adapt school feeding (in the short term) to help safeguard schoolchildren’s food security and nutrition during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Resource ¿Cómo mitigar los efectos de la pandemia COVID-19 sobre la alimentación y la nutrición de los niños escolares? Esta nota conjunta tiene la intención de proporcionar guía preliminar a los tomadores de decisión de gobiernos, administradores y personal escolar y otros actores sobre cómo apoyar, transformar o adaptar la alimentación escolar (a corto plazo) para salvaguardar la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición de los escolares durante la pandemia de COVID-19.
Resource Comment atténuer les effets de la pandémie de COVID-19 sur l’alimentation et la nutrition des écoliers Cette note conjointe souhaite fournir aux décideurs gouvernementaux, aux administrateurs/employés des écoles et aux partenaires des orientations préliminaires sur la façon de soutenir, de transformer ou d’adapter l’alimentation scolaire (à court terme) en vue de protéger la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition des écoliers pendant la pandémie de COVID-19.
Resource Education Cluster COVID Response Framework Template The Global Education Cluster's response framework template contextualized to COVID-19
Resource Modèle de cadre de réponse COVID du Cluster Éducation Le modèle de cadre de réponse du Cluster Éducation contextualisée à la COVID-19.
Blog Reflections on Teaching in Crisis Contexts (1 of 4) - How is COVID-19 different? Part 1 of 4 of The Magic of Your Mindset for COVID-19: Reflections on Teaching in Crisis Contexts
Blog Reflections on Teaching in Crisis Contexts (2 of 4) - In this moment, your mindset matters Part 2 of 4 of The Magic of Your Mindset for COVID-19: Reflections on Teaching in Crisis Contexts
Blog Reflections on Teaching in Crisis Contexts (3 of 4) - Your mental health and well-being are critical in a crisis Part 3 of 4 of The Magic of Your Mindset for COVID-19: Reflections on Teaching in Crisis Contexts
Blog Reflections on Teaching in Crisis Contexts (4 of 4) - Focus on what you can influence Part 4 of 4 of The Magic of Your Mindset for COVID-19: Reflections on Teaching in Crisis Contexts
Resource Protection of Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic COVID-19 is quickly changing the context in which children live. Prevention and control measures such as school closures (as announced or implemented in 100 countries) disrupt children’s routine and support structures. As a response, the Alliance hosted a webinar to introduce their new Technical Note: Protection of Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic.