Resource Mapping the Syrian crisis in hosting countries: Syrian refugee children out of Lebanese school The aim of this article is to analyse issues associated with the education or the absence of education of Syrian people, who are in a refugee situation, using both Human Rights Theory and the Capability Approach.
Resource The Political Economy of Education Systems in Conflict-Affected Contexts This report is a rigorous literature review on the political economy of education systems in conflict-affected contexts and is aimed at education advisers and agencies, development practitioners and Ministry of Education policy makers working in conflict-affected contexts.
Resource Teenage, Married, and Out of School: Effects of early marriage and childbirth on school dropout Using recent household survey data from nine East and Southern African countries, this paper examines one possible reason for this persistent gender disparity; the effects of early marriage and pregnancy, and finds that marital status has a strong negative impact on school attendance.
Resource Policies, Perceptions and Practices: Post-Conflict Banda Aceh, Indonesia This thesis examines how the recent conflict is taught in secondary school history classes in post-conflict Banda Aceh and the perceived impact of these teaching practices on a lasting peace.
Resource A Review for NORAD: Education in Fragile Situations This report to provide a synthesis of key concepts, current practice and actors in the area of education and fragility and an analysis of Norway’s contribution to the field, with the aim of informing future practices and positioning.
Resource Les dépenses des ménages en éducation Une perspective analytique et comparative pour 15 pays d’Afrique.
Resource Education Cluster in Pakistan Lessons Learned: Flood Response The Global Education Cluster commissioned a comprehensive lessons learned exercise in Pakistan, covering the period from the start of the floods in July until March. This report outlines the main findings from this review and highlights a number of recommendations for the current response in Pakistan as well as future emergency education responses. The key recommendations to come out of this lessons learned exercise are highlighted below.
Resource التصنيف الدولي المو ّحد للتعليم وتّم وضع إسكد في البداية من قبل اليونسكو في السبعينات من القرن الماضي، وجرى تعديله للمرة الأولي في عام 1997، ليكون أداة لجمع إحصاءات التعليم وعرضها على المستويين الوطني ُوالعالمي على حّد سواء.