Resource Gender in Emergencies Pilot Project in DRC UNICEF launched a gender in emergencies pilot project, with specific focus on interventions being carried out in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Resource Certification counts: recognizing the learning attainments of displaced and refugee students This book presents a comprehensive conceptual, policy and programming framework, complemented by case studies. It is global in perspective, examining the challenges and solutions to the problems faced by refugee and IDP students with either no documentation or inadequate or unrecognized documentation of their learning.
Resource L'atelier de formation sur les Normes minimales de l'INEE This adaptation and related roles are differing from the initial Zamborra background note and are different roles in that they feature a situation where peace has just been signed and the camp schools are closing.
Resource People on the Move: Handbook of selected terms and concepts This handbook takes stock of the present use of some selected terms and concepts. It is designed to be accessible to a general public which may not be familiar with the detailed discussions in the field of refugee and migration policy.
Resource ZOA Position Paper: Having Their Say, Refugee Camp Residents and Inclusive Education ZOA Refugee Care (ZOA) is a Netherlands-based NGO established in1973. It provides support to refugees, displaced people and victims ofnatural disasters.
Resource The Integration of Refugee Children: A review of research and current practice This report provides information for Salusbury WORLD’s Shared Futures Project.
Resource INEE Minimum Standards: A Tool for Education Quality Assessment in Afghan Schools in Pakistan This article details a pilot Minimum Standards assessment in Afghan refugee schools supported by the International Rescue Committee’s Female Education Program in the North West Frontier Province of Pakistan.
Resource Education in Complex Emergencies: A Case Study of the IRC Guinea Education Program This masters thesis is a case study of the IRC Guinea Education Program. Civil wars in Liberia and Sierra Leone sent tens of thousands of people across the border to safety in Guinea.
Resource Right to Education During Displacement: A Resource for Organisations Working with Refugees and IDPs This resource guide identifies the right to education and actions that individuals and organisations can take to fulfill these rights, with a focus on refugees, returnees and independently placed persons.
Resource Education in emergencies: a critical factor in achieving the Millennium Development Goals This article argues for a higher priority to be given to education in times of crisis, including funding, and outlines the work of the International Rescue Committee (IRC) and the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE). A case study is included describing the priority of education in Sierra Leone for Liberian refugees.