Resource Mensagens-chave de sensibilização sobre a Educação dos/as Jovens em contextos de Crise e Fragilidade This document contains the three key messages, which resulted from the INEE-RET Round Table - Youth Education 2015 and Beyond, which took place on theO presente documento resume a visão e as preocupações expressadas na Mesa redonda promovida pela INEE e pela RET, em outubro de 2013, com o título: “Definindo Prioridades para a Educação de Jovens até 2015 e no futuro”. 15 October 2013.
Resource Reshaping the International Education Agenda to Include Youth in Situations of Fragility and Crisis This position paper outlines how the post-2015 goals are being shaped, it identifies the progress already made in relation to youth education in fragility and crisis and highlights the remaining gaps. Its purpose was to lay the foundations for the discussions held during the INEE-RET Round Table held on 15 October 2013.
Resource Because I am a Girl, The State of the World's Girls 2013 This report looks at what happens to adolescent girls in disasters, and why. Using original research, reviews of secondary material, and the voices of girls themselves, we show how adolescent girls’ rights are being ignored before, during and after disasters, both in the urgency of a disaster response, and in the gaps between humanitarian and development work.
Resource Sustainable Development Starts and Ends with Safe, Healthy and Well-Educated Children The paper outlines how investing in children delivers big pay offs – for them, for their societies, and for the planet.
Resource Engaging Youth-Led and Youth-Serving Organizations in Disaster Relief Efforts To support and encourage youth participation in emergency response efforts, this document provides concrete guidelines for engaging with youth and youth movements in crisis contexts by identifying approaches that have effectively included young people as actors in programming.
Resource Alternative Education for Iraqi Refugees In August 2007, Jordan changed its policy to allow non-resident Iraqi ‘refugee’ children to attend public schools. However, many Iraqis had already been in the country for a few years and had missed several years of schooling. They therefore found it difficult integrating into Jordanian schools and catching up on missed education.
Resource Staying Safe: My Hurricane Plan When a hurricane comes towards our area, the weathermen and women watch it closely to make sure that everyone will be safe. If it looks like the hurricane may come close to where we live, the Mayor or other newscasters announce on television that we need to evacuate.
Resource Conception d’un programme centré sur les filles Cette « boîte à outils » est le produit de l’expérience de dizaines de programmes destinés aux adolescentes. Sa compilation n’aurait pas été possible sans l’aide de leurs représentants, prêts à partager leurs succès, leurs difficultés et leur expertise.
Resource La réintegration socio-scolaire des jeunes rapatriés au Burundi : impact et leçons apprises Depuis 2008, le RET, en partenariat avec le Département pour le Développement International du Royaume Uni (DFID) a mis en œuvre au Burundi un programme d’appui aux écoles secondaires afin de faciliter la réintégration des jeunes rapatriés dans le système éducatif burundais.
Resource Education Cluster Thematic Case Study Series This report explores the experiences of 11 different national Education Clusters surrounding five thematic issues while capturing key lessons learned and examples of good practices.