Resource Returning to Learning During Crises: Decision-Making and Planning Tools for Education Leaders This toolkit helps education planners plan and make key decisions on the return to learning during and after education disruptions caused by crises, such as COVID-19, in a way that is equitable, inclusive, and builds the resilience of education systems.
Resource Supporting teachers in back-to-school efforts – A toolkit for school leaders This Toolkit was designed for school leaders to support and protect teachers and education support staff in the return to school following COVID-19 related closures. While aimed primarily at school leaders, the Toolkit is also potentially useful for teachers and education support staff to better understand their roles and responsibilities in back-to-school efforts.
Resource Apoyo a los docentes en los esfuerzos para facilitar la vuelta a la escuela: Caja de herramientas para dirigentes escolares Esta caja de herramientas se ha preparado para que los dirigentes escolares puedan apoyar y proteger a los docentes y al personal de apoyo a la educación en el regreso a las aulas tras los cierres ocasionados por la COVID-19.
Resource Characteristics of Effective Teacher Education in Low- and Middle-Income Countries What are they and what role can EdTech play? This paper analyses a range of literature reviews to identify characteristics of effective teacher education.
Resource Garantir um ensino a distância eficaz durante a interrupção causada pelo COVID-19: Guia para professores Este Guia visa ajudar esses profissionais a compreender as principais questões relacionadas ao ensino a distância domiciliar, durante o fechamento das escolas devido à COVID-19, e a desenvolver e promover atividades de aprendizagem eficazes.
Resource ضمان فعالية التعليم عن بُعد في ظل أزمة كوفيد- 19: توجيه للمعلّمين تهدف هذه الإرشادات إلى مساعدة المعلمين على فهم القضايا الرئيسية المتعلقة بتعلم الطلاب عن بُعد في المنزل خلال إغلاق المدارس بسبب جائحة كوفيد-19، وتصميم وتسهيل أنشطة التعلم الفعّالة.
Resource Ensuring effective distance learning during COVID-19 disruption: Guidance for teachers This Guidance aims to help teachers understand key issues related to home-based distance learning during COVID-19 school closures and design and facilitate effective learning activities.
Resource Garantizar un aprendizaje a distancia efectivo durante la disrupción causada por la COVID-19: Guía para docentes El objetivo de esta Guía es ayudar a los docentes a comprender cuestiones clave relacionadas con la educación a distancia en el hogar durante el cierre de las escuelas por la COVID-19, así como a diseñar y facilitar actividades de aprendizaje eficaces.
Resource Assurer un apprentissage à distance efficace pendant la crise de COVID-19 : Recommandations au corps enseignant Ce guide a pour but d’aider les enseignant(e)s. comprendre les principaux problèmes liés à l'apprentissage à distance à domicile pendant les fermetures d'écoles liées à la COVID-19 et à concevoir et à faciliter des activités d'apprentissage efficaces.
Resource Education under COVID-19 Lockdown: Reflections from Teachers, Students, and Parents This report is based on an online survey conducted by the Centre for Lebanese Studies (CLS). It maps out main trends of the impact of COVID19- on the access and quality of education as well as the impact on teachers, students and parents.