Resource Local Governance and Sustaining Peace Guidance Note This note provides guidance to UNICEF country offices on programming for peacebuilding through local governance in fragile and conflict-affected settings. Its main objective is to inform the design and implementation of UNICEF peacebuilding interventions and to contribute to the overall effectiveness of UNICEF programming in fragile and conflict-affected contexts
Resource توجهات مركزة على المجتمع للصحة العقلية والدعم النفسي الاجتماعي: مذكرة إرشادية يجب أولاً، وقبل كل شيء، أن يُنظر إلى الأشخاص المتضررين من حالات الطوارئ باعتبارهم مشاركين نشطين في تحسين الرفاهية الفردية والجماعية، وليس كمتلقين سلبيين للخدمات التي صممها لهم الآخرون. وبالتالي، فإن استخدام مناهج الصحة العقلية والدعم النفسي الاجتماعي المجتمعية يسهل على الأسر والمجموعات والمجتمعات دعم ورعاية الآخرين بطرق تشجع على التعافي وتعزز القدرة على التصدي للتحديات.
Resource IASC Community-Based Approaches to MHPSS Programmes: A Guidance Note Emergency-affected people are first and foremost to be viewed as active participants in improving individual and collective well-being, rather than as passive recipients of services that are designed for them by others. Thus, using community-based MHPSS approaches facilitates families, groups and communities to support and care for others in ways that encourage recovery and resilience
Resource Enfoques comunitarios para los programas de SMAPS: Nota de orientación Debe considerarse que las personas afectadas por emergencias son, ante todo y, sobre todo, participantes activos en la mejora del bienestar individual y colectivo, en lugar de receptores pasivos de los servicios que otros han diseñado para ellos. Por consiguiente, el uso de enfoques comunitarios de SMAPS permite que las familias, los grupos y las comunidades apoyen y cuiden a los demás de diversas maneras que fomenten la recuperación y la resiliencia.
Resource L’approche communautaire des programmes de SMSPS: Note d’orientation Les personnes en situation d’urgence doivent être considérées prioritairement comme des participants actifs à l’amélioration du bien-être individuel et collectif, plutôt qu’en tant que bénéficiaires passifs de services conçus pour eux par des tiers. Ainsi, l’approche communautaire en matière de SMSPS permet aux familles, aux groupes et aux communautés de soutenir et d’aider les autres tout en promouvant le rétablissement et la résilience.
Resource As abordagens de Base Comunitária para a Saúde Mental e o Apoio Psicossocial : nota de orientação . As pessoas afetadas pela emergência devem ser primeiramente consideradas participantes ativos na melhoria do bem-estar individual e coletivo, e não como beneficiários passivos de serviços desenvolvidos para eles por outras pessoas. Portanto, a adoção de abordagens de Base Comunitária para SMAPS favorece o apoio e assistência de famílias, grupos e comunidades, a outras pessoas, de forma a incentivar a recuperação e a resiliência.
Resource Improving Learning Environments Together in Emergencies (ILET) ILET is a package using assessments for improving learning environments in humanitarian contexts through community participation. ILET empowers communities to improve the quality of the learning environment through a data-driven, participatory, sustainable process of planning and implementing School Improvement Plans.
Resource General Children's Participation Criteria: Sectoral guidelines and instruments for ensuring children's meaningful participation The aim of this publication is to encourage and facilitate children and youth’s participation in consultation and decision-making processes at all levels.
Resource Improving Wellbeing Through Education – Integrating Community Based Psychosocial Support into Education in Emergencies This document develops the use of the Community Based approach to Psychosocial Support (CBPS) in educational settings and presents FCA’s experiences in improving well-being through education in various countries.
Resource Family Disaster Plan: from knowledge to action This user-friendly tool guides households through knowing and reducing their dangers, preparing and planning for emergencies, and learning response and coping skills.