Resource Colmatar a lacuna 2: Oferta de soluções seguras e sustentáveis para a educação de meninas em situações de crise e conflito Este documento apresenta um resumo das conclusões do relatório de monitorização Mind the Gap 2: Seeking Safe and Sustainable Solutions for Girls’ Education in Crises [Atenção à lacuna 2: Em busca de soluções seguras e sustentáveis para a educação de meninas em situações de crise e conflito].
Blog INEE Charlevoix Funding Dashboard: Strengthening accountability for commitments to girls’ education To what extent have pledges from the Charlevoix Declaration on Quality Education been operationalized, and what has been achieved as a result of these commitments? To answer this question, the INEE Reference Group on Girls’ Education in Emergencies, with the support of Global Affairs Canada, has developed the Charlevoix Funding Dashboard.
Resource How to Design EdTech Programmes That Lead to Gender-Transformative Change This paper outlines how EdTech programming can adopt a gender-transformative approach to improve gender equity in access and learning outcomes.
Resource Increasing Women's Representation in School Leadership This evidence brief compiles emerging insights on the association between women school leaders and education outcomes. It also seeks to draw attention to the low representation of women in school leadership roles and the barriers that hinder women's access to these positions.
Blog Understanding School-Related Gender-Based Violence: Building the Evidence Base - Highlights from Secondary Analyses of VACS in Five Different Countries There are large gaps in global research about the complexities and nuances of SRGBV. In response, USAID’s Higher Education Solutions Network (HESN) supported AidData, a research lab at William & Mary, and Together for Girls to conduct secondary analyses of the Violence Against Children & Youth Surveys (VACS) data to identify the prevalence of SRGBV.
Resource Integrating LGBTQI+ Considerations into Education Programming This document supports USAID’s staff and partners working in the education sector to integrate lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex (LGBTQI+) considerations into programming and across the Program Cycle.
Resource Launch Event: Charlevoix Funding Dashboard The Reference Group on Girls’ Education in Emergencies is pleased to share the recording of a webinar launching the new Charlevoix funding dashboard! The Charlevoix Funding Dashboard aims to promote transparency and accountability towards the commitments made by G7 countries and funding partners towards the Charlevoix Declaration on Quality Education.
Resource Transforming Education in Crisis - Beyond Barriers Statement Feminist activists across the globe are working arduously to champion education demands and to advocate for a future that prioritises financing for girls' secondary education, particularly in crisis contexts. We consulted with 94 girls, from four countries (Kenya, Palestine, Sierra Leone and Trinidad and Tobago), through 8 consultations.
Blog En vue de 2022 : centrer l'égalité des sexes dans les initiatives de l'INEE Ce blog donne une vue d'ensemble des initiatives de l'INEE en 2022 qui soutiennent la planification, la réponse, l'évaluation et l'exécution de l'ESU dans le respect de l'égalité des sexes.
Blog INEE and partners launch the Charlevoix Funding Dashboard Read the announcement by the INEE Secretariat on the launch of the Charlevoix Funding Dashboard.