Resource Educação Não-formal para Adolescentes e Jovens em situações de Crise e Conflitos: um Documento de Referência e Taxonomia O Documento de Referência e Taxonomia Proposta faz um resumo sobre o emprego histórico e atual dos termos relacionados com a ENF, que reflete a atual política e emprego destes termos na conceção de programas, e propõe uma taxonomia e definições do desenho de programas de ENF para adolescentes e jovens afetados por conflitos e crises.
Resource التعليم غير الرسمي للمراهقين والشباب في سياق الأزمات و الصراعات: تصنيف مقترح تلخص ورقة المعلومات الأساسية والتصنيف المقترح الاستخدام التاريخي والحالي للمصطلحات المتعلقة بالتعليم غير الرسمي، وتعكس الاستخدام الحالي لهذه المصطلحات في السياسات والبرامج، وتقترح تصنيفًا وتعاريف لبرامج التعليم غير الرسمي للمراهقين والشباب في البيئات المتضررة من النزاعات والأزمات.
Event Les Champions de l'éducation Dans ce contexte si difficile, nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer le lancement de la saison 2021 des Champions de l'éducation. Celle-ci s'articule autour de 4 petits-déjeuners thématiques, en portant une attention particulière aux réponses et aux adaptations des interventions à la crise actuelle.
Resource Pathways to Resilience in Risk-Laden Environments: A Case Study of Syrian Refugee Education in Lebanon This qualitative study, which examines the experiences of Syrian refugee children who are attending a non-formal education center in Lebanon, seeks to understand the role education plays in fostering pathways to resilience in the children’s lives. Half of the students in the study had chosen to drop out of the Lebanese formal schools they attended.
Resource Tapping the Potential of Displaced Youth: Guidance for Nonformal Education and Livelihoods Development Policy and Practice This report synthesizes findings and recommendations from a multi-year (2008–2011), multi-country research and advocacy project, the Displaced Youth Initiative.
Resource Creating Learning Materials for Open and Distance Learning: A Handbook for Authors and Instructional Designers This handbook has been written for anyone who plans and writes learning materials for use in open and distance learning (ODL). Anyone who is interested in producing better ODL materials will find something of value in this handbook, but the three main target audiences are: teachers, instructional designers, and writers.