Urban Refugee Education: Strengthening Policies and Practices for Access, Quality and Inclusion

Given the current global refugee crisis, the aim of this report is to contribute to the discussion around the distinct educational needs of urban refugees. We focus on countries in developing regions since 86% of refugees reside in the Global South (UNHCR, 2016). Our study presents data from three sources: a review of existing global and national laws and policies related to the provision of education for refugees; a global survey; and three country case studies. We conducted a global survey with 190 respondents working for organizations providing educational services to urban refugees in 16 countries across four world regions. We also carried out in-depth interviews with more than 90 stakeholders (including government officials; personnel working for UN agencies, international and national NGOs; and principals and teachers) in three country case studies (Lebanon, Kenya, and Ecuador).

Resource Info

Resource Type

Research Publication


Published by

Teachers College, Columbia University

Authored by

Mary Mendenhall, Susan Garnett Russell, Elizabeth Buckner

