Towards a Learning Culture of Safety and Resilience: Technical Guidance for Integrating DRR in the School Curriculum

The document provides a thorough rationale for including DRR in school curricula within an Education for Sustainable Development framework. It also guides those with responsibility for curricula on appropriate teaching and learning methods for disaster preparedness.

This technical guidance is the most comprehensive resource to date advocating for the holistic integration of DRR into the curriculum. It is written for those working at all levels of curriculum development process – from policy makers and curriculum developers to headmasters and teachers.

This technical guidance builds upon case studies from 30 countries1. It is based on the five dimensions of DRR education, elaborates on the four stages of curriculum development, and situates DRR education as one of the three pillars of safe schools.

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Published by

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organziation (UNESCO)


Curriculum and Educational Content
Risk Reduction and Resilience