School Led Total Sanitation: A Successful Model to Promote School and Community Sanitation and Hygiene in Nepal

A history of inadequate intervention in sanitation and hygiene, and the resultant low coverage level, has left Nepal with much to do to reach the national target of 100% latrine coverage by 2017. The recognition that children can act as change agents, allied with the success of School Sanitation and Hygiene Education (SSHE), led UNICEF Nepal to develop School Led Total Sanitation (SLTS), where open defecation free areas are achieved with school children in a leading promotional role. The paper shows how SLTS has had very promising results to date and paves the way to speed up the process of intensive latrine coverage in school catchment areas.

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Published by

IRC Wash

Authored by

Adhikari, S and Shrestha, N


Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH)