Reconstruction versus transformation: Post-war education and the struggle for gender equity in Sierra Leone

Reconstruction versus transformation: Post-war education and the struggle for gender equity in Sierra Leone. In post-war contexts, education is widely regarded as essential not only for civic reconciliation, but also as a key force for gender equity. In Sierra Leone, however, despite enhanced educational opportunities for girls, much of the emphasis on post-war educational reconstruction is unlikely to rectify gender inequities that remain entrenched within mainstream schooling and in the broader social context. Yet the capacity of education to contribute to gender-based change has not been entirely muted. Several women’s associations are supporting girls’ education as integral to economic and political actions aimed at challenging the hegemony of patriarchy and gendered violence. What remains to be seen is whether these discrete efforts can foster a women’s movement capable of altering the structures of patriarchal power in Sierra Leone.

Resource Info

Resource Type

Journal Article


Published by

International Journal of Educational Development

Authored by

Richard Maclure and Myriam Denov



Geographic Focus

Sierra Leone